The Rub' Al Khali Desert

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Making their way towards the wreckage, both Nate and Ella began looking around for any supplies they could find, only to find nothing but a couple of guns; Nate soon climbed a dune to see if he could see anything, any trace of the convoy, but nothing was in sight

"Perfect", Nate muttered in anger

"No supplies, and going through the desert", Ella mumbled as the two began to walk forward, through the Rub' al Khali desert, climbing past many dunes, and keeping an eye out for any trace of the convoy; but so far... no luck, after a few hours, both were still walking

"I hate the sand", Nate said

"Why can't we be over near an ocean... lake... anything with water", Ella groaned

"A well... oh, thank god", Nate said, both looking over at a well, running up towards it, Nate began pulling up a rope, pulling out a dry bag, emptying its content's... nothing but sand

"And... wells all dried up", Ella muttered

"Oh, shit... you gotta be kidding me", Nate said

"Come on... let's... keep moving", Ella stated, the two continuing forward once again; not long after, day turned into night, the desert grew cold, which felt nice to the two, but both were completely lost, and walking around; as dawn came in, both Nate and Ella were staggering forward, with little sleep, no water, nor food; they weren't in good shape, and wasn't good enough that they went in a circle, going back to the well, this time, going into a different direction, another day had passed, and both were about to give up

"Come on... just... past this... next dune", Nate stated

"You... said that... four dunes ago", Ella said as the two climbed over a dune, only to see a village

"It's a village...", Nate said with laughter

"In the wise words of Sully... I'll be go to hell", Ella stated as the two ran forward, later walking and climbing when they finally made it, only to see a ghost town

"I can't go much further", Ella groaned plopping down onto the sand, lying down

"Come on, there has to be something here", Nate stated, pulling Ella up as the two eventually found a way inside, and finding nothing but Marlowe's goon's stationed around the village

"Ah, crap", Ella muttered as she and Nate were spotted, causing the goons to open fire

"What the hell are Marlowe's men doing here", Nate asked

"I don't know, but this isn't good", Ella replied

"They had to be looking for the plane, just hold out the best you can", Nate stated as Ella nodded her head, the two shooting their way through, attempting to flee the ghost town-village, but more of Marlowe's goons flooded in; not long after, Arabic men on horses came in, armed with guns

"English", the man asked

"What... English, we speak English", Nate replied as the man held up his gun

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, don't shoot", Ella pleaded, the Arabic man began speaking to his comrades in Arabic, then, the next thing both Nate and Ella knew, they were helping them out of the village and away from Marlowe's goons, into the desert once again...

(Somewhere in the Rub' al Khali Desert, Oasis)

"How you feeling", Ella asked, after arriving, both were given food and water,

"Better, you", Nate asked

"Ready to go", Ella said

"You two are far from home, Americans", the Arabic man stated, sitting down next to them, "you two do not belong out here, any of you",

"You spared us... why not just kill us along with the others", Nate asked

"That would have been impolite", the Arabic man explained, "you both were in distress, even an enemy must be fed and sheltered, are you my enemy, American",

"Drake", Nate replied, "my name, it's Drake",

"Salim, I am sheikh of this tribe", Salim greeted

"Well, we don't mean to be forward, Salim, but we need a horse", Nate asked, "we don't have anything to offer in return",

"You plan to attack the English caravan alone", Salim asked

"You know about them", Ella asked

"My scouts have been tracking them for two days, why are you here", Salim asked, "why do the English cross the Rub' al Khali",

"They're looking for the lost city of Ubar", Nate replied

"Iram of the Pillars...", Salim said

"They've taken our friend hostage, he's the only one who knows the way", Ella stated

"And once they find Iram... he'll be worthless to them, they'll kill him", Nate finished

"If they find Iram, we are all dead...", Salim explained, "three thousand years ago, King Solomon commanded the power of the Djinn; demons, born of smokeless fire, until they rebelled, he imprisoned them in a vessel of brass and cast it into the depths of the city; Iram became a place of evil, cursed by the tormented spirits of the Djinn, the English must not reach the city, if they unleash the power of the Djinn...",

"We don't have much time", Nate stated,

"They have the greater numbers, we cannot attack them in the open, tonight; rest, tomorrow, we enter the canyons, we'll take them there, we ride at dawn", Salim stated, getting up and walking away

"Another of King Solomon's cursed treasures", Ella muttered

"Come on, let's focus on saving Sully tomorrow, we'll worry about Ubar later, alright", Nate asked as Ella nodded her head.

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