Chapter 52

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"Babe?" I was awoken my the sound of Justin's voice. I rolled over in bed and into his arms.

He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, "Good Morning."

My eyes fluttered open and immediately i smiled. I never ever got sick of waking up next to him.

He rubbed my stomach as i woke up. "I think we should go see Dad today. I said that we would go last night, and we never."

He laid back onto his pillow. "I guess so. I don't know what Mom is going to think."

"Justin we have to do this. We need to figure things out. He cannot live in a Hotel forever."

"It's not like he doesn't know that, he's a grown man and doesn't need 2, 20 year olds helping him situate."

"Yes, but he doesn't know where he stands."

Justin sighed and sat up in bed. "Yes, we can go. But i do not want to stick around for long."

"I need to ask you something."

He pulled a shirt over his head and then turned around to face me. "Yeah?" I could tell that he was a little pissed off with me, but it didn't really bother me.

"The wedding. Are we going to let him come?" I asked quietly.

I watched his facial expression slowly drop. "Oh Jessica." He sighed.

"I'm sorry but it's a decision that needs to be made."

"I don't know Jessica. That's not just something we can decide without confronting my Mom."

"I know, we will ask her but he is my Father. I just want to know if you want him there or not."

"Do you want me to be honest?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, no. He shows up here out of nowhere and we can't just let him off that easy after everything." He shook his head. "Just no."

"That's fine, that's all i wanted to know. I won't even ask him about it, just forget that i brought it up." I said. Not going to lie, i do feel a little disappointed about his answer, he is my Dad and he does still hold a place in my heart but i cannot disagree with what Justin wants. I don't want our day to be ruined over this, so if him coming will risk a disaster, he's not coming.


We knocked on the door to Dad's hotel room. It took him moments before he answered the door, it made me a little wary of Justin. He was already annoyed and pissed off with him as it was.

"Hi," he answered the door and invited us to come in.

Justin and I sat on the couch and he sat on the small arm chair next to the couch.

"How are you guys today?" He asked, trying to be polite i guess. Justin placed his hand on my knee.

"Good!" I answered for the 2 of us.

He smiled a small, crooked and extremely awkward smile. He only has the little bit of clothes that he kept from Pattie's house, the rest was thrown away. He was wearing over washed and faded ripped jeans with a ratty white T-shirt, there was a stain around the neck.

"So, what are you guys doing today?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Uh, i think were just sticking close to home." I answered. Justin was staying very quiet, probably because if he did have anything to say it'd be bad.

"Well Justin, for someone who's about to marry my daughter you aren't being very polite." Dad said with a smug look on his face. My heart dropped.

"Dad." I said, shocked that he was picking this fight.

"Well for someone i trusted with my mother, you aren't doing a very good job at helping her." Justin sat up in the couch, i put my hand on his leg.

Dad twisted his neck, he was getting angry. "Maybe it's about time we go."

"Think again next time before you open that smart little mouth. Who do you think you are?" Dad spat.

Justin sat up. "Who do i think i am? I think i'm the only man in Jessica's life that is actually mature and has enough sense to take care and protect her. If you think you're doing a good job, you must be pretty fucking stunned."

"You better watch what you're saying to me. That is my daughter we're dealing with here." Dad raised his voice pointing his finger right into Justin's chest.

"You have no control over what i do or say. So take your damn hands off me." Justin got more into his face.

"Stop it, the both of you." I yelled.

"I don't want you to marry him, who the hell does he think he is?" Dad said looking right in my eye.

"Dad, you don't understand! Are you even my father anymore? Dad's are supposed to support and love and do everything that's best for their daughters. You do NONE of those things for me, so i don't need your blessing. Your opinion means very little to me. You have no control over who i marry anymore, i am my own person and i will do whatever i want. We were coming here to settle things, and hopefully find a way to help you out. Kiss that goodbye because this is bullshit. Considering that you're so confident in yourself and what you're saying. You can take care of yourself. Justin tried to talk me out of this, but i said no because you're my Dad. But, i've opened my eyes. I see exactly what Justin meant now." I was out of breath by the time i finished saying this. I was enraged, my blood boiled. I'm done with this conversation.

He look stunned, shocked. "Jess, I." His voice was soft now.

"No, this happens every damn time. I cannot do it anymore. Neither of us can." I picked up my purse and rushed to the door. Justin followed behind me.

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