Chapter 33

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The next day at the Hospital, i searched for Justin. Hoping i'd get the chance to speak to him before we went in the room to see Pattie.

It was 11 in the morning. Jason had the early shift this morning, so i drove out here alone. Before going to the room, i walked down to the Hospital's small coffee cafe in the lobby to get some coffee for myself.

I waited in line for 5 short minutes, and sat down at a small 2 person table and drank my coffee while flipping through the pages of a magazine.

Of course, i turn to a page where a big picture was of Justin and Alaina. Next to the half page sized picture, was a long write up. Titled "In with the new, out with the old".

"Justin seems to have moved on from his former stepsister Jessica Rogers. The new couple was spotted in Atlanta holding hands, and shopping along the streets, acting cutesy and getting cozy and showing obvious PDA."

I rolled my eyes, and never even bothered to finish reading the article. Knowing it would put me in a bad mood. I downed the rest of my coffee and made my way upstairs.

When i reached the door, i peeked in through the small window before going inside. To my surprise, Justin was not in there. Regardless, i walked in and sat next to Pattie's bed.

"Hey Jessica," she said softly, with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Pattie! How're you doing?" I asked, placing my hand on hers.

"I'm doing better today." She smiled.

"That's good to hear!"

"How have you been?"

Miserable. Torn. Upset. Confused. All of the above. But instead, i looked at her and smiled. "I've been good!"

The door swung open, and Justin walked over to the both of us. He had a smile on his face.

"How's my girls?" He bent down and kissed my forehead, and did the same to Pattie.

The surprised expression on my face was impossible to hide. Then it hit me, it's all an act for Pattie's sake.

He pulled up a chair next to me, and put his hand on my leg.

"Justin, would you do me a favour?" Pattie asked, sitting up in her bed.

"Of course."

"I'm allowed to drink coffee now, so would you mind getting me a cup?" She asked.

"Not at all, i'll be back in a few minutes." He said, patting her hand.

"I'll go with you," i said standing up and following him to the door.

He held the door open for me, and placed his hand on my back as i walked out. But the moment, we went around the corner he removed his hand from my back.

The whole way to the cafe was quiet, and awkward. The line up for coffee was long, and it looks like we'd be waiting for 10 minutes or so.

"Justin, can you please answer my question?" I looked up at him and he was clenching that jaw again.

"Jessica, not here."

"Well then why did you assume i'd be here today?"

"You're here every other day. I figured you'd be here."

I knew Justin was bullshitting me, i could tell he was hiding something.

I looked to my right, and there was a middle aged woman with her cell phone out snapping pictures of the two of us.

"Fuck." Justin muttered under his breath.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Nothing, ignore her."

So i did, but jealousy burned inside of me. Thinking about Alaina made me sick, and then i thought about the pictures and the news article and the write ups about them. I didn't want to be thrown in the middle of all this.

Justin knew how much i hated rumours and faulty write ups, not only about myself but Justin and the people i care about. I wondered if he was thinking about me right now. I wondered if there was a part of him that still felt the need to protect me and be there for me, even if he was experiencing hate towards me.

The curiosity was killing me, does he still have feelings for me?

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