Chapter 7

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"Justin?" I asked. The sun was shining down over us, making it hard to open my eyes completely.

He turned his body to face me, and he wrapped his arms around my body. I places my face in his chest and placed a gentle kiss there.

"Morning." He said sleepily.

"Good morning." I answered. I felt super sad because today was our last day here, and this weekend has been more than amazing. Alone time with Justin was what i needed.

"Are we packing up soon?" I asked, as much as i didn't want to.

He sat up and rubbed his face. "We probably should," he answered dreadfully.

I got up out of the back of the truck and then grabbed a clean t-shirt and changed into a pair of yoga pants. I got everything together and Justin lifted everything into the back of the truck.

Everything was packed up and ready to go within and hour. We took one final look at the beautiful pond and the trees that reflected off the calm water.

"We'll come back." He said.

We hopped into the truck and followed the dirt road out to the highway. We got on the open road and headed back home. The drive was long and the sun was high in the sky. The clouds we long and smudged across the sky, as if something had to white paint and smeared it over blue.

"Do you know what i was thinking?" Justin asked.

I lifted my head from the window and turned towards him.

"What if we moved somewhere, bought our own place and really started settling down."

"Justin, we already have our own place." I answered.

"It's yours really, i'm just staying there. I want to buy a place together, live there together. None of this switching around shit. I'm ready to settle down."

"But why would you want to? We have the perfect size house now, you could just move in with me. Besides we're only minutes away from my dad & Pattie."

"I know, but i just wanna buy our own place."

"I don't know Justin." I answered. "Where would we even move?" I asked.

"Wherever we want to. I was thinking somewhere like California." He sounded anxious about the idea, but i was feeling the exact opposite.

"California? Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"No i'm not. Think about it! We could buy a new house, one with a view. We wouldn't have to worry about anything over there."

"No, i'm not moving to California." I said, bringing my legs to my body and shaking my head, making myself clear.

"We can talk about it later." He said, placing his hand on my leg.

I answered with "okay," only to stop the conversation about California and possibly forget about it.

We arrived home and unpacked our things. I grabbed my cell phone and checked my missed calls. 17 missed calls from Pattie, 8 from Dad.

I showed Justin my phone and then dialled her number in my phone. It rang three times and then her familiar voice answered the phone with a quiet hello.

"Pattie! I only seen that you've been calling now. Justin and I were camping and we didn't take our phones, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Can you and Justin come over, i need to tell you both something."

I looked at Justin. He stopped what he was doing and came to my side.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

"We'll be over soon." I said.

"Okay, bye." She said hanging up the phone.

I kept the phone to my ear, even after she hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I think something's wrong, your mom wants us to comeover." I said.

He looked scared. I was too.

"I just have to change, then we'll leave."

"Okay. I'll wait in the truck." He said.

"I thought that truck was a rental?" I asked.

"No, i bought it." He smirked, "Surprise."

I was too worried to smile or express my love for the old blue truck.

I ran to the room and changed to capri leggings and one of my favorite smock shirts. My hair was messy, and greasy. I put it into a messy bun and grabbed my purse from the chair in the corner of the bedroom.

I hopped into the passenger side of the truck and Justin drove down the road immediately.

Pattie was waiting outside for us. Her face was red and her hands covered her mouth. She looked as if she's in shock.
I hop out of the truck and run to her side and embrace her in a tight hug.

"Let's go inside." I said.

Just opened the door and held it for his mom and I. California completely flew from my mind. All i want now is to find out what's going on with Pattie.

She wiped her tears and took a seat at the table. Justin sat next to her, and i sat across from them.

"What's going on?" Justin asked. I could easily tell he was worried.

She took a deep breath and laid her hands on the table. She explained what's wrong and my heart stopped. I nearly fell off my chair at the mention of the words coming from her mouth.

What do you guys think is wrong with Pattie?! Comment/Message me your thoughts! Xo

My Stepbrother 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora