Chapter One Washed ashore

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(Above is what my o.c Ailia looks like artwork is not mine thank you for reading🙇‍♀️)

🍫Ailia's p.o.v🍫

"Yes, I win again! Suck it losers!" My best friend Dustin shouted from across the table.

We're card games and Dustin once again has won. We have been playing about ten rounds in total. Dustin won eight of them and me and our mutual friend Mason won the other two. I was having a lot of fun despite the overwhelming number of losses I had but I didn't care. Our friends however did not feel the same way. They were extremely annoyed by Dustin's constant victories and the gloating that accompanied them. They wanted to beat him so they could take him down a peg. And while the two losses humbled him a bit he immediately went back to his obnoxious bragging after winning again. I didn't really care about beating him personally though I have to admit that I did feel his gloating self praises and minor insults to the losers bothers me a bit. Dustin is a lot of things. He is a great friend, great skater and an amazing guitarist. However, he is also a very, very mean and lousy winner.

"Hey Ailia, wanna play another round with us?" Jason, a boy from our group asked.

"No thanks I'm going to go outside and get some sun." I spoke.

"Why, you afraid of getting your ass kicked again?" Dustin asked.

"Um no I just want to go outside." I said confused. Why would he ask me that when I already told him why I was going out? "Don't listen to Dustin Ailia he was just being sarcastic." Mason said. "Oh." I said in realization. "Okay." I said nodding my head in understanding. "See you later then." I said leaving the room but not without grabbing my trusty teddy bear max.

"Bye Ailia." I heard the others say as I shut the door behind me. Humming I started to skip outside, happy as I felt the sun's warmth hit my skin.

"Cannonball!" A girl in a blue one-piece swimsuit shouted jumping into the pool.

"Yes, five points!" Someone from the shuffleboard area shouted in glee.

"Yes, take that!" A man said sitting on a table surrounded by other people.

They seemed to be playing card games like I was with my friends earlier in their room.

"Oh, come on!" The others in the group groaned.

"Anit up people." The man said holding out his hand. Grumbling the other people reached into their pockets and placed dollar bills into his hands.

'Man, I still can't believe I'm on a five-star cruise. Never once in my wildest dreams did, I ever think this would happen to me.' I thought happily.

One of the men turned away with an angry look on his face that fades when he saw me. "Oh, hey Ailia." He said waving his hand. Hearing what their friend said the others turned to face me and greeted me with a smile just like their friend. I walked up to their table with a smile and spoke. "Hey uh.... Tony." The man said seeing that I couldn't remember his name. "Oh yeah Tony good to see you." I said smiling to hide my embarrassment.

'Danm it, why am I so bad with remembering names?' I thought.

I have always had trouble with remembering people's names and faces. It gets really annoying, and I hate it when I get someone's name wrong and end up hurting their feelings. It makes me feel really bad. I hope I didn't hurt Tony's feelings by not remembering his name.

'I mean I should know his name by now we've actually spent a lot of time together lately.' I thought, thinking back to the times we shared together from playing Pokémon watching movies and reading comics.

They were such fun times. "Sorry about forgetting your name." I apologized. "It's OK. It's not your fault that you have trouble remembering names and faces." Tony said.

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