Chapter Two Waking up and meeting the ultimates part one

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(Authors note:Above is what my o.c Dustin looks like only with darker skin. The artwork is technically mine, I did it on a coloring app I have on my phone.)

🍫Ailia's p.o.v🍫

Groaning, I opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by darkness.

'Where...where am I?' I thought nervously.

"H...hello, is anyone there?" I shouted.

"Please, anyone! Someone please awnser me!" I shouted, cuping my hands across my mouth, hoping to get more volume and range.

No one answered me. I was all alone in the darkness. The silent nothingness as my only comforting. My lip quivered, and tears slowly filled my eye. I was alone again in this awful darkness, or so I thought.

"Ailia." A ghostly voice whispered. "Ailia."

"Wh-who are you? Who's there?" I said, looking around franticly.

I looked behind me above me in front of me every direction and could not see a thing, only the cold darkness. "Ailia." The ghostly voice whispered once again. I jumped as I felt a sudden strange coldness on my shoulder. I looked at it and saw a boney hand. I followed it up a long, skinny, decaying arm and onto the body of a man only it wasn't a man. It was a body the left side of its face was decaying, centipedes crawling out of the hole where its eye was supposed to be. The one good eye was glossed over and glowing red. The creature opened his mouth, revealing old rotting teeth, bringing out a smell that could make a man throw up if he took in even a whiff of it. I looked to the right side of the body where the skin was still mostly intact and saw that the body had a tattoo of a rose on its arm. My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't believe it.

"David?" I muttered tearfully.

"You did this to me, Ailia." He said in a deep, graveling voice. "No... no I.....I tried to help you." I muttered fearfully. "And you failed. pay." He said before suddenly lunging at me. He tackled me to the ground and held me down with incredible almost inhuman strength. I opened my mouth to scream, and he did the exact same thing, a river of black sludge pouring out of his mouth and into mine. I gagged as the vile liquid forcefully made its way down my throat, cutting off my air supply.

'I...I can't breathe.' I thought fearfully.

' I going to die?' I thought, closing my eyes.

Suddenly everything started to shake and I heard someone shouting. "Wake up! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes with a gasp as I woke up in a bright room where a boy with brown hair and green eyes was looking down at me.

'Light....I never thought I'd be so happy to see you.' I thought, smiling weakly.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

😑Hajime's p.o.v😑

This was not what I was expecting. Mikan was tired from taking care of the two new kids, so I volunteered to take her place for a day. She said it would be easy. All I had to do was watch them and keep their temperature stable. They have been out for a while, and I expected this day to be quiet and calm so you can imagine my surprise when the girl started screaming and thrashing in her sleep. She looked like she was having a nightmare or some kind of seizer. I don't know if I was supposed to wake her up or not, but I had to. Whatever was happening to her was obviously causing a lot of pain. 

Acting quickly, I grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her while shouting. "Wake up! Wake up!"

After shaking her a few times, she bolted up right with a gasp. I immediately moved back to give her some room and watched as she breathed heavily with sweat dripping down her face. She looked around for a moment before smiling with relief. She seemed so happy to be awake and free from what was plaguing her.

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