Chapter Four Meeting the ultimates part three;Mikan the anxious nurse

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3rd person p.o.v

Ailia Hajime and Dustin all walked together in silence, their encounter with Hiyoko still fresh in their minds. Everyone, especially Hajime, were in shock of all the horrible things Hiyoko said to Ailia. Hajime had a small feeling there was something wrong with Hiyoko ever since their first encounter. He still shutters when he remembers the creepy smile she had as she squashed all those poor ants just for her own amusement. He thought he was looking at some kind of sociopath for a second. The cruel behavior she had previously shown that his first impression of her was indeed correct. He looked at Dustin who was obviously still miffed about the whole situation. Scoul on his face and the burning fire of hatred in his eyes, it was obvious to see who was the angriest one in the trio was and he couldn't exactly blame him.

From what he learned Ailia was someone very important to him and seeing someone bad mouth someone you hold dear, especially the cruel way Hiyoko did would easily get under anyone's skin. He understood and felt his anger because even though he didn't know Ailia for very long he felt like he had a connection to her. Maybe it was because of her social cluelessness or the incconnt childlike wonder she saw the world in, but he wanted to protect her. Ailia was like a child in quite a few ways and would obviously need some extra help while they were on the island, but he was confident that once everyone met and got to know Ailia, they'd be more than happy to help her out. "I'm sorry." Ailia suddenly apologized causing Hajime to look at her in confusion.

"Huh? Ailia, why are you apologizing?" Hajime asked surprised.

"I-I'm sorry for causing trouble earlier. I-I should be able to stand up to bullies by now, but you had to come in and save me. I'm so sorry for causing you trouble." She said bowing. "He-he-hey-hey-hey stop that you don't have to apologize." Hajime panicked. "Yeah, you did a pretty good job standing up for yourself." Dustin said.

"I did?" Ailia asked.

"Yeah keep up the good work." Dustin said giving her a thumbs up. "OK." Ailia muttered a bit cheered up but still on the sad side.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Hajime asked trying to relieve the tense and awkward atmosphere.

"Dating? Man, you have got it all wrong! Ailia and I are just friends." Dustin said slightly surprising Hajime. "Sorry it's the way you both interacted so I just assumed." Hajime apologized awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "That's OK we get that a lot." Ailia said. "Lots of people automatically assume we're dating because of how close we are. It gets a little annoying sometimes." Ailia said pouting. "I mean a girl and a boy can just be friends. They don't have to just automatically assume our relationship is romantic just because we're deferent genders." She said crossing her arms across her chest. "Yeah, I can see how that can get pretty annoying." Hajime said. "Besides Ailia's not even my type. No offense Ailia." Dustin said looking at Ailia over his shoulder. "None taken. You aren't my type either." She said.

"Ouch Ailia that really hurts my feelings. Could you have put it in a nicer way?" He asked dramatically putting his hand over his heart, acting as if he been gravely wounded.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that Dustin! Please forgive me it'll never happen again!" Ailia shouted panicly waving her arms in the air.

"Ailia Ailia calm down I was just joking!" Dustin said trying to defuse the situation.

"You were?" She asked.

"Yeah sorry, forgot that you sometimes have trouble telling if something's a joke for a moment there." He apologized. "That's OK I forgive you." Ailia said making Dustin sigh in relif.

"Just please don't do it again I was really scared that I had hurt your feelings!" Ailia scolded.

"Heh, you got it." Dustin said smiling akwardly as Hajime watched everything happen with a deadpan expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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