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This was unbelievable. The person made everyone in the cave surprised. Ghost / King of mysteries was actually in front of them?! They did knew nothing about him but since he never showed himself. This was a legendary moment!

- "WATCH OUT!" Lim Tae-Gyu yelled out. The monster was going to hit Ghost, and it looked quite angry..

The hunter catched the monster's fist, as it did such 'his' hoodie almost came off. Luckily, 'he' managed to take their other hand to pull it back up before it completely fell. A tint of beautiful black hair came into the views of the S-ranks trying to find out the identity of the person.. 

It soon disappeared as soon as Ghost threw a stronger punch. Making it blow back in the wall of the cave. 'His' aura was bigger then his, so how could he not be afraid. He found the "king" of his thoughts but the said king was way stronger then him. 

It was jealous. How could a race weaker than him be stronger?! It didn't make sense!

No matter how much the ant tried, he would be overpowered. He thought he was a 'monarch', someone as strong as those beings. Someone that could easily defeat them.. But, he underestimated them.. Their power are way stronger than his.. 

He never had any chance of becoming one of them. Their strength, was on a whole different level. One he would've been never able to reach.

- "Here use this.." Ghost turned around and tossed a potion to Baek Yoonho.

Without any second through the hunter used the potion on his almost dead friend. Not thinking of if it was poison, a feeling told him to use it. The potion did nothing in the first 10 seconds making the hunters worried.. Until, the hunter was now awake and perfectly fine.

- "H-hyung-nim.. what happened?" The healer looked around to see everyone beside him relieved and the world who was watching the raid were crying tears of joy. Well most of them. Other countries were a bit angry as South Korea was about to lose an S-rank and they would be easier to defeat but the hunter was now perfectly fine.

Meanwhile, the monster was desperate. His mother could not help him as she was now dead by the human's "king". 

- "T-THEN, HOW ABOUT THIS!" After what the ant said, more then 100 ants were now in the cave by the monster's side. Making everyone who were on the side of the battle horrified. They had no energy left to fight. Little did it know.. Ghost also had an army. 

- "Come forth, my soldiers" The once blue eyes were now a glowing purple.

The numbers on each side was now equal. All that is left is the strength of the army itself. The strong wins while the weak dies. Those are the rules in this world. And that ant, was not fit to be in this world. 

- "Kill them all, I do not seek to see one of them alive but leave that one to me." Ghost was pointing at the 'general' of the army.

A few minutes later, the battle was already done. Every ants were now left dead by the other side. 

Ghost was a bit tired of wasting time. 'He' was now gripping the last ant head. Which was the strongest one left alive. Gripping his head tighter each moment and ripping it off, making the other wanting to vomit. Monsters blood was everywhere. Luckily, nobody saw what 'he' looked like because of the fight.

- "Arise." Ghost turned 'his' back to head towards the exit of the island while the monsters were now in 'his' shadows until 'he' heard something. A notification from the system. Well, it was more like a ping type of noise.

'Please give the shadow a name.'

'He' ran backward towards the shadow kinda exited. It wasn't everyday 'he' could stumble upon a creature that could be named.

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