The mysterious event

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It was just another day, people were in the streets, kids in school, hunters working. Yet, Jin-woo was sitting at the dinning table. Lem was just in the living room watching the news. 

She couldn't keep herself of thinking about all of the possibilities on why the Witch would abandon her own life for a child.. The Witch wouldn't even give up on her life until she was done all of her researches, which would take more more than a million years.

All since, she would always add find new stuff to study. A meeting was really due huh?

Jin-woo touched a ring on her hand, inserting some mana into it. It glowed for a while before her whole body disappeared. Lem had also disappeared at the same time.


Time had stopped. Everywhere around the world. A wave of mana had surged over everyone making them freeze. Not even S-ranks were able to stop it. The wave took seconds to make everyone realised.

But it was already too late.

Only the inside of a huge gate that appeared next to the association Hunter building wasn't affected.

Deep inside, was a round table.

There were people sitting at the respective chairs, which suited them. Only a few of them were empty. In the many people, we were only able to see three of them.

Sung Jin woo, Lem and "The Old man".

- "My friends! It's been such a long time!" A voice chimed in being the first to say something.

- "Well, hello to you too. However we have a serious matter we need to speak about."

They all have their attention to Sung Jin woo. It would be heavy pressure for normal people. But, they we're talking about her so.

- "The witch, died from child birth. The said child is in the orphanage. We need to get him out before someone else notice his huge Mana stock."

A man wearing quite the special attire, showing his upper body of muscles, whose name is not known. (Yet).

- "There's a chance he doesn't even have mana. We should just.. let the child live without knowing anything. Worse case scenario that if he does have a large mana pool, and learns of our existence of the other world. We'll need to make him disappear."

Some frown at that thought. He was telling the truth but they couldn't just kill her child right?

Sung Jin woo, looked at the man who had spoken. It was true. However, she wasn't going to let a kid that is probably a year or two younger than her sister die.

An illusion of a child was then shown on the table. A kid that looks around Jin-Ah age.

##### had gasped. Somehow there was something wrong. How could he be that age when the Witch was with them during the final battle?

- "He's.. around my sister's age. Meaning the one fighting with us on that day was just an illusion and she had died a few years back."

- "But, why would an illusion be so strong? Never the less, how could of we have not see through it? Little dragon, please tell me you know something!"

Sung Jin woo couldn't comprehend how the Witch was able to do it. A clone that was able to fool all of them?

She looked at her hand who she had risen up. Jin woo closed her first and punched the table, breaking it.

Something just made her do it. So, she kinda broke that table for nothing. And somehow, she had a feeling that they knew.

Awkwardness had already filled the room. That world had completely changed their perspective. But this world, their real world was still something they needed to get used to once again.

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