The Wolf Stage Part 6

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Narrator: The next morning Moonsoul went out for some fresh air.

Moonsoul: *breathes in the air*

Daisy: What would you like for breakfast?

Moonsoul: Whatever you want sweetie.

Daisy: Okay father, i'll surprise you.

Moonsoul: *smiles at her*

Daisy: *smiles back and gets to work*

Moonsoul: *walks back inside towards Luna*

Alpha Luna: Hey dear, how are you feeling this morning?

Moonsoul: Pretty good luna.

Alpha Luna: that's wonderful dear. *leans on him, and licks him.*

Moonsoul: *senses someone outside and sees Scar*

Alpha Luna: *Looks at Moonsoul* Are you okay dear?

Moonsoul: It's Scar he's alive.

Alpha Luna: How? Didn't yall take care of him?

Moonsoul: *growls at her*

Alpha Luna: Oh no, Daisy run and get some berries, it happened again.

Daisy: Okay mother. *runs to get some berries*

Scar: Where do you think you're going. *growls at her*

Moonsoul: *walks next to Scar and growls at them*

Scar: We need them alive Moonsoul so don't you think about it.

Moonsoul: *looks at Scar and nods at him*

Phoenix: Brother it's me Phoenix your brother.

Moonsoul: *growls at them*

Phoenix: Scar take me instead of my brother.

Scar: *laughs evilly and bites Phoenix*

Moonsoul: *laughs evilly and forgets all about Luna, Daisy, Twilight and the pups*

Firestorm: F-Father.

Princess: M-Mother what's happening to father?

Moonsoul: *growls at them again*

Alpha Luna: It's okay Firestorm and Princess, he's going to be okay, go back inside. *yells for Daisy*.

Daisy: Coming mother. *looks and sees her father and starts to run and grabbed a handful of berries*.

Phoenix: *jumps infront of her and growls*

Daisy: W-what are you doing? Give him this.

Scar: He is now under control.

Phoenix: *a light flicker in my eye and winks at her*

Daisy: *looks at him* okay.

Scar: Bring her to me.

Daisy: *looks around* no, never.

Phoenix: *attacks scar*

Moonsoul: *growls and attacks them*

Daisy: *runs towards Moonsoul* here eat this. This will help.

Moonsoul: *hears father in my head and backs away*

Daisy: take it father. You need it.

Moonsoul: *takes one and my fathers voice left and falls down*

Daisy: Father *tries to grab him*.

Scar: *runs away from Phoenix* I will be back.

Daisy: Yeah you better run. *helps them up*.

Moonsoul: What happened. *tries to walk but falls down and looks at my front left paw and it was bleeding*

Daisy: Phoenix, can you get him home? He's bleeding.I'll be right behind.

Phoenix: *nods at her and picks up Moonsoul*

Firestorm: Is father okay?

Daisy: Yes, he's just hurt.

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Where stories live. Discover now