The Wolf Stage Part 10

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Narrator: Few minutes later.

Moonsoul: *gets up and saw it was night time and it was a new moon and runs into the woods*

Daisy: *wakes up and hears something outside, and walked outside*. Father?

Moonsoul: *looks at her and continues to run into the woods*

Daisy: Phoenix wake up, we need to go get Moonsoul, he just took off running.

Phoenix: *wakes up* Oh no it's a new moon out we better go find him.

Daisy: *takes off running after him*

Moonsoul: *sees them coming after me and picks up speed*

Daisy: Father, we are here for you, please wait up.

Moonsoul: *growls at them*

Daisy: *walkes closer* it's okay father, it's just me and Phoenix here.

Moonsoul: *snapps at them*

Daisy: It's okay father, i'm here. *moves closer to him*

Moonsoul: *shows my teeth and growls*

Daisy: Phoenix the moon, what do we do?

Phoenix: We have to wait for the sun to come up or we could use a bright flashlight.

Daisy: we need to get him back. Wait didn't my mom have light powers?

Phoenix: Yeah.

Daisy: How do I do it?

Phoenix: I don't know.

Moonsoul: *opens my wings and flies into the air*

Daisy: *jumps in fear* oh boy. I can try.

Moonsoul: *growls at her*

Daisy: *tries to make the light and only a little comes out*

Moonsoul: *growls*

Daisy: * tries again, and even more light comes*

Moonsoul: *falls down*

Daisy: *runs up to him* father are you okay? We need to get him back to the camp area.

Phoenix: *nods at her*

Daisy: We need to hurry, you grab him and I'll keep the light going till we get there.

Phoenix: *picks him up*

Daisy: okat, let's get going and fast.

Phoenix: Okay.

Daisy: We are here.

Moonsoul: W-what happened?

Daisy: it was the moon, you took off running and we went after you and you were like a whole entire other person.

Moonsoul: I should have told you what happens to me when it is a new moon.

Daisy: Yeah, you had me scared there father.

Moonsoul: Well it will only happen on new moons.

Daisy: Are you okay though?

Moonsoul: Yeah sweetie.

Daisy: You can tell me the story as we head back home.

Moonsoul: Okay. *gets up and starts getting ready to leave*

Daisy: while we are here we all need to grab as many berries we can just in case this happens on the way back.

Moonsoul: *nods* Also how did you turn me back?

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Where stories live. Discover now