The Wolf Stage Part 11

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Phoenix: *runs into the woods and bumps into my old friend* Moon Knight is that you?

Moon Knight: Phoenix is that one? *sniffs him and growls* It is you.

Daisy: Phoenix where are you? *looks around for Phoenix*

Moon Knight: *hears Daisy calling for Phoenix and laughs*

Daisy: *hears someone laugh* Phoenix is that you?

Phoenix: Daisy stay there!

Daisy: What's wrong is there someone with you?

Moon Knight: *steps out of the woods with Phoenix on the ground*

Daisy: What have you done to Phoenix!

Moon Knight: Oh I just knocked him out that's all, but I won't do it to your father King Moonsoul I will personally destroy him for good! *laughs evilly*

Daisy: No!! I won't let you hurt my father.

Moon Knight: *pushes her out of the way and runs towards Moonsoul and Alpha Luna*

Alpha Luna: *senses and dragon nearby and sees Moon Knight* Who are you? *looking at him*

Moonsoul: Oh no its Moon Knight.

Moon Knight: *laughs evilly* I'm here to end you Moonsoul!!!

Moonsoul: *tries to get up but falls back down*

Moon Knight: Is the all powerful King Moonsoul hurt by this alpha wolf. *laughs*

Alpha Luna: *looks at Moon Knight and blushes*

Moon Knight: *smiles at her*

Moonsoul: NO! *coughs up blood*

Moon Knight: This is the end for you Moonsoul. *laughs evilly*

Luna: Moon Knight why don't we leave him and we will end him when he is weaker?

Moon Knight: *nods* Okay We will be back. *flies off with Luna*

Daisy: *regains consciousness, and is confused.* What's going on here?

Moonsoul: *limps to a rock* My oldest enemy was here.

Daisy: *walks over to her father* Father are you okay? What happened?

Moonsoul: *coughs blood* Luna almost killed me. I need to regain my strength.

Daisy: I can heal you father.

Sunsoul: What happened here?

Daisy: Luna tried to kill my father, and I couldn't help him because I got pushed.

Moonsoul: It's okay sweetie.

Daisy: thanks father. I'll try harder next time.

Moonsoul: I know you will. *smiles at Daisy*

Daisy: *smiles back and hugs her father*

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