The Wolf Stage Part 9

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Narrator: They arrived at Moonsouls Pack two days later and Moonsoul went to see if His father had followed them but didn't see him.

Moonsoul: I think we will be safe here.

Alpha Luna: I hope so dear, all this moving is crazy.

Moonsoul: Phoenix can you check on the kids I need to go back to get something.*looks at luna* Keep them safe.

Alpha Luna: okay dear, be careful, i love you.

Phoenix: Be care full brother.

Daisy: Father, would you like help? I can go with .

Moonsoul: *looks at her and smiles* Sure

Daisy: Okay! *hugs the family* well be back.

Moonsoul: *opens my wings* Daisy you should have your wings by now right?

Daisy: I believe so, I can try. *jumps but falls* *tries again* Father, I'm flying!!!

Moonsoul: *smiles at her* I knew you can do it.

Daisy: This is awesome, okay, now how do I land?

Moonsoul: Try to focus on the spot and your weight.

Daisy: *faceplants* ouch. Here let me try again. *jumps and flies, but falls again*

Moonsoul: We can work on that. *starts flying towards her* Let's start moving.

Daisy: *jumps and flies*. Okay it's just one step at a time, yeah i can do this.

Moonsoul: *starts flying down the mountain*

Daisy: *follows him and almost falls* oh. *giggles*

Moonsoul: *senses a dark wolf nearby*

Daisy: *falls* ouch, father i think someone or something is here. I feel it.

Moonsoul: *my eyes started to turn red and bloody red*

Daisy: oh no, not again. *opens my necklace and grabbed some barriers* father here, take this.

Moonsoul: *growls*

Daisy: oh no, i guess it was a good idea to go with, father here eat this, this will help.

Moonsoul: *snapps at her and my body started to turn dark red to*

Daisy: Oh no, *yells for Phoenix* Help, I need help.

Phoenix: *hears Daisy yells and runs towards her* What happened.

Daisy: it's my father, his eyes are red and so is his fur. What do I do?

Phoenix: This wolf must be powerful for that to happen.

Moonsoul: *runs into the woods*

Daisy: *runs after him but is too slow* Phoenix, help.

Phoenix: *runs after him and holds him down*

Daisy: if possible try to hold his mouth open so he can eat this and go back to normal.

Phoenix: *holds his mouth open for Daisy to put the berries in his mouth*

Daisy: *drops three in there* okay be careful and slowly let go. I don't need you getting hurt.

Phoenix: *lets go*

Moonsoul: *swallows the berries and went back to normal* W-What happened?

Daisy: someone dark was here and you went into that from again and you took off running.

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Where stories live. Discover now