chapter 8

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In a frenzy of panic, i quickly hide behind a bush, the same turquoise color as the leaves on the twisty trees, in hope that i wont be found, i know that these strangers could be nice as phil and fundy, but im guessing like the fox hybrid, these boys have never seen a human ether.

I curled my body more and more together, lightly leaning my body on the bush, it was silent, and by god if that wasn't adding to my anxiety ten fold-

I was hesitant, but i looked over the bush slightly, seeing the two younger boys looking around from where they stood, a stern look on the blonde boys face, and a worry one on the taller boy.
I turned my body back around, hiding again behind the strangely soft leaves.




I fell on my back, as i felt my throat go raw.

There in the bush was the elder boy, transparent and floating a few inches off the ground, his body seeming to be half way threw the bush.

My eyes widened in shock from the ghostly boy in front of me, who infact shared the same expression, but most likely for a different reason.

Feeling the dirt and grass on my back i realizing that i fell from my hiding spot i looked over to my right, seeing the other two boys looking surprised more than me.

Blond boy flinched as i looked at him, his facial expression changed into a disgusted look before he screamed at the top of his lungs, making me cover my ears,


ehenehh sorry this is so short but i hope its still good
And i hope techno getts to feeling better

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