Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


After the weird encounter with Greyson, the rest of my night went okay.

Roxie and her friends said I looked badass, and assured me I'm one of them.

I don't know what that means, but I can't lie. It felt pretty good to feel accepted.

I'm missing home already.

I miss Stefan and Missy.

I miss my father.

Every time I think of him it's like my heart constricts.

He would want me to embrace this journey and try to see the bright side of things.

My mother would've told me to look my best, act my best and try to get in with the right crowd.

By the right crowd, she wouldn't have meant the nice kids or the smart kids.

She would've meant the popular ones.

My mother was wonderful in lots of things. Public appearances, hosting parties, making brownies, styling my hair, even dancing.

But like anyone, she had her downfalls.

The biggest one was how much she cared about her image.

I'm self-aware enough, or maybe it's the years my dad spent telling me I'm my mother made over, to know that I have that same downfall.

I care.

I want to be liked. I want to be popular.

I want people to look up to me.

I've heard the nasty things said about those not as popular, and I don't want to be them.

There have been times, though, I would've been better off to get made fun of. Upholding an image isn't all it's made out to be.

Nature, or nurture?

What do you think?

My mother told me to wear pink.

Curl my hair, fake a smile.

She said vanity is worth my while.

Nature or nurture?

Does anyone know?

My father told me to learn, and grow.

Be kind to myself, kind to others.

He said to always help another.

Nature or nurture?

Is this engrained in me?

A DNA code of all I exist to be?

A despite fear of not fitting in.

The peace I feel from within.

Nature or nurture?

Instinctual or learned?

Was my personality earned?

Or am I nothing more than a hand

The universe has always planned?

Nature or nurture?

Was this destined from the start,

Or is my life a work of art?

Would I have been this way

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