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Madara passed the time by learning more about the world and hunting occasionally. He made sure to get into a specific schedule so that he would wake up at the same time due to his internal clock, making sure to train in his free time. physical training would come first, even he had to do hundreds and hundreds of the same exercise until he even broke a sweat, but he would do it, he could always get stronger. He would stretch his chakra out as far and as long as possible until he was exhausted. and on the days that he wanted to practice his jutsu or susanoo he would go to a random island that he had found, it was small enough that no one had wanted to live there, so it was perfect for Madara, that was where he would train anything large scale. Every night he was still haunted by the nightmares, they had started centering on the death of Izuna, those ones hurt so much, but Madara shut it out, hid under a blank face, and pretended he was fine.

Try outs for UA were today, and Madara was walking into the oddly large gate. (seriously why was that thing so big) Madara's question when some sort of giant walked past the building, Madara decided that some quirks were just plain confusing. Madara walked into the huge front door and plopped down next to some kid with messy purple hair. They settled on an unspoken agreement not to talk to each other. Some loud blonde haired guy started going over the rules of the exam, and Madara restrained from rolling his eyes, crush robots? This was the best school in the area? Wow. That was just sad. Everyone was split into four separate groups and were sent to different practice grounds, people started warming up, Madara wore a simple t-shirt and a pair of leggings, along with the combat boots, that Madara had become rather attatched to. The one thing that the school did that Madara actually agreed with was when the announcer stated that a true battle would have no start signal. There were tons of robots, and as tempting as it would be to light them all on fire, Madara stuck to just relying on his fists, he was plenty strong enough to destroy the robots with only taijutsu.

Madara lost cound of the robots, but he must've destroyed around one hundred when the giant robot rose up from the ground. Madara wanted to see if he could kill it, so he waited around as everyone else ran away from the robot, he wasn't expecting the broccoli looking kid to jump at it. the boy destroyed the bot with one punch, but it soon became clear that he had no idea how to land. Madara sighed internally and ran at the boy, catching him midair and setting him down on the ground. As he landed he saw the girl trapped under debris. 

"Oh, so you were trying to save your girlfriend,"

The boy flushed red and stuttered something along the lines, "She's not my girlfriend," but Madara was already walking off towards the girl, he easily lifted the debris that trapped her, and picked her up like a sack of potatoes, then put her down next to the broccoli boy, who was trying to drag himself along with his one working arm, muttering something along the lines of, "just one point..."

It was then that the alarm sounded. the exam was over.

As he was leaving the building the blonde announcer tapped his shoulder, "Are you Madara Uchiha?"

Madara frowned, "Yes, what is it?"

The man seemed bothered by something, "When you filled out your application, what did you mean by saying that you don't have an email, phone, or address?"

Madara had heard about emails, they were the thing that people used to identify each other when they were using computers (yes he read a book about it) and phones were just tiny fancy computers, addresses were just the names people gave to houses to order them. Madara's house didn't fit into any of the other house name orders, so he didn't have an address, and he had no wifi, or any way whatsoever for that matter, to use or access a computer. So Madara responded with, "Exactly what I wrote on the form. I don't have an address, I don't have an email, and I don't have a phone. It's that simple."

The blond hero seemed to find this rather awkward, "Well you see, we can't notify you about whether or not you mad it in, If we can't contact you in any way."

Madara frowned, rather confused, "Then just tell me a time that I can come to the school, and you can tell me then.

The man sighed, seeing that he would get to no better conclusion, he didn't have to talk for very long with the boy to see that there would be very little progress made from continuing the conversation, so he sighed and responded with, "Come to UA in three days and we will tell you how you did, in the mean time you should design a hero costume."

Madara shrugged, "Okay."

Three days later Madara showed up at the school, only to be greeted by a hoard of teachers with too many unwanted questions and congratulations. He had come in first place in the entry exams which explained the congratulations, however the questions were all along the lines of "do you have a place to stay?" "is everything okay at home" "do you need any help" and others along those lines. it was incredibly annoying. Madara sighed  and explained that everything was fine. he did not elaborate, and was pretty sure that the only reason that the people had stopped bothering him was because of the the death glare that had come with the entrance of a  person that Madara had seen in many articles, the number one hero, All Might. Madara hated him. The mad was surrounded by a false sense of peace, and people suffered in his shadow. after the man entered the room Madara slammed his hero costume design down and left. The design was simple, it was a sleevless black top that came up to a chocker, the back was open so the uchiha emblem was on the front of the costume, the outfit had gloves that covered his wrists with the designs for a seal, he would infuse the chakra himself, and store his gunbai and scythe in them. the pants were the same baggy design that he had worn under his armor back in the shinobi world.

The heroes could do nothing but look down at the costume design and sigh as the mysterious boy walked out, from the back of the room came a voice, 

"I will teach him."

A second chance in a new worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن