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A/N: WARNING - this chapter contains mentions of suicide.

For the next few days everything appeared normal. class went on, and All Might taught at lessons as though nothing had happened. It did not escape Madara that the man was keeping a closer eye on him than before. Oh well. 

Madara had been reading a few books, he flew through them with his sharingan, but the one that he was reading was quite long and very interesting, it jumped around and he quite liked it. Madara had decided that he didn't want to rush through it like all the others, so he read it at an average pace. No sharingan wanted. (That was a sentence he didn't think would ever even be thought of, but there it was. Wow.) Madara was walking home from school. He had snagged a few extra bucks on the way over, so he intended to buy a book for Kurama after buying some cat food for Izuna. 

Madara was headed to the checkout with the cat food when he felt it. Someone behind him. It wasn't like all the others. This person was focused on specifically him. Madara spun around and nearly ran into a boy with purple hair. He was Madara's height, or at least, he was the height Madara knew that he would reach in adulthood. Curse his genes. No. Curse the people of this world for being so damn tall. A cool look came over Madara's features, "What do you want?"

"Well for you to stop glaring when it was you who almost ran into me."

Madara didn't like him. The boy continued, "I was wondering about the breed of your cat."

Madara blinked in confusion, the Uchiha had always associated with cats, mostly ninja during his time, there was no food to be spared on a pet.

"She's a Bombay. Not too much fur."

The boy sighed, "Oh. I was worried that you were a bad owner."

"Why would you think that?" Madara kept his voice calm. No need to lose his temper. Yet.

"Because a lot of people don't take good care of their cats, and your new here, so I don't know how well you care for yours."

How DARE the person! The boy didn't even know him, and was already judging him! "If you're so intent on inspecting my cat then you can meet her yourself!" Madara didn't keep the anger out of his voice that time. "I need to buy a book for my friend first. You can tag along."

The boy shugged. "Sure."

The book that Madara picked out was from the same author as the book he was reading at the moment. He hoped that the writing style would intrigue Kurama as much as it did him. The boy strolled around the book store as Madara made his purchase. He seemed rather interested in books about heroes. How foolish. He finished checking out.

"You coming?"

The boy looked up, then hurried over to Madara and the left together.

When they arrived back at Madara's house, Kurama wasn't inside, and Madara's blood ran cold when the thunderous voice came from above.

"I finally figured it out while you where going to that stupid hero school!"


"I can revert to my true for- ...shit."

The boy stared up at the giant fox, it was the size of a mountain.

"What the fuck."

The fox shrank back to his human form. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING A HUMAN FROM THIS WORLD?!?"

The poor boy seemed incredibly confused. "From this world? Your quirk turns you into a giant fox? The fox is your original form? What the hell."

Madara sighed. This was going to be dificult, especially that, now that he thought about it, he had seen this boy in the halls on several occasions. Maybe the boy had seen him. Maybe the boy didn't trust him because he saw the monster he used to be- NO his mind had somehow become fragile in the transfer between worlds and he would not show weakness. Ever.

A second chance in a new worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora