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It didn't take long for All Might to arrive, and they were quickly ushered out of the classroom and sent to the changing rooms with their hero costumes. Madara decided to change in the corner, he had chosen his costume to be slightly revealing to show off the scars that seemed so uncommon in this world. It might cause villains to think twice before attacking him. Or heroes. If he grew bored of being one himself. things were going fine, the others were conversing. Until the lightning one, Kaminari? walked over to him.

"Hey dude, I heard you got first in the entrance exam, that's awesome!"


"Anyways I wanted to chat with you bro, how come your all hidden in the corner? We're all men, come hang out!"

The half and half boy, who had originally started out in a corner, seemed rather awkward about chatting, especially since he had been moved to the center of the room. Madara frowned. "Sorry, I assumed that this wasn't exactly normal in your world." He lowered his t-shirt slightly, revealing the scars, all gained from battle, most of them were from his childhood, as he had gotten older he had become nearly untouchable, as his battles with Hashirama usually ended in taijutsu. A battle of stamina. The most noticeable scar was the big one in the middle of his chest, right over his heart, from his last battle with Hashirama. (No he didn't count the edo tensei one, battled were only truly fun when your risking your life. Obviously.) His assumption had been correct, as Kaminari backed away. 

"Sorry man."

The rest of the time in the locker room was spent in a tense silence. 

Soon they trooped into the training zone, All Might was there to meet them, though he did seem rather distressed by Madara's costume. mostly the scars that it revealed

(How I mad Madara's costume, If you want me to change it, comment and I will do it when they are doing costume upgrades, thanks! ....also HAIR STYLE REVEAL!!!! What do you think of Mina's work?)

also HAIR STYLE REVEAL!!!! What do you think of Mina's work?)

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Madara glared at the man to deter any questions. The number one hero explained the activity. It was simple, really, also a good way to understand the abilities of his classmates. They each were paired up randomly, he and Bakugou were on offense, The broccoli boy and his girlfriend were on defense. (No they will not be called anything else because Madara is a sassy, sarcastic, bitch-faced, introverted, asshole who needs someone to vent to.) The blonde was shouting about beating "Deku" which seemed to be what he called the broccoli brat. Madara thought that his name for the All Might fanboy was much more accurate. (Yes he knows about Deku's All Might obsession, everyone within a one mile radius knows.)

They waited around outside while the two "villains" hid their "bomb," and Bakugou turned to face Madara. 

"Listen, I don't care what place you got in the entrance exam you're still just a lousy extra and I don't care-"

The alarm sounded. Madara stretched out his chakra. Sensing. The people of this world didn't use chakra, but they still had a life force, and Madara could detect that. He found the "bomb," ran into the building, floor after floor, he ran right past the broccoli kid, who had headed out towards the door, most likely to defend the area around the room, and then past the other boys girlfriend. Tapping the bomb. Finishing the game. In approximately 3 seconds. You got fast when whether or not you arrived on time would change whether or not your friends and family would die. All Might turned the announcer on soon after. He and Bakugou had won. The class was stunned. The building had been huge and originally Madara had no idea of what the inside looked like, yet he finished the dance, before anyone had truly realized that it had started. 

Bakugou was silent as Madara walked past him. 

"Sorry, you were too slow.... extra"

That snapped him out of his trance, and it didn't take long for them to walk into the viewing room, Madara in the front, with Bakugou shouting profanity not far behind him, The broccoli boy and... Bakugou had called her round face. It worked rather well. Followed behind, they received a warm welcome. Kaminari came over first. 

"Dude that was awesome! You totally put Bakugou in his place!"


"You are aware that you're implying that you will go down though, right?"


"Of course I can, you're shouting in my ear... extra."

"Hah! you're pretty cool ya know."

The speakers voice was laid back, pretty chill. It belonged to the tape guy, Madara was pretty sure his name was Sero.

Bakugou continued to shout until he was cut off by another voice.

"Bakubro, you were super manly out there! So were you Madara! I can't wait for my turn."

Mina was over next, "You looked super cool Madara, and I love your hero costume!  Aren't you glad that we did your hair? Now it wont get in your way when you're fighting!"

they seemed friendly, everyone did. Madara stood in the back of the room, watching the other students work on their task.

"I guess, at the least, They won't attempt to actually kill me."

and considering his past life, someone who wasn't going to hurt him, was the closest  he would get to trusting someone.

The lesson with All Might ended and as they headed over to the lockers, All Might pulled Madara aside. 

"Young Uchiha-"

"Don't call me by my clan name. It's weird."

"Clan name-? Anyways, young Madara, I wanted you to know, that if you ever need to talk, that if you ever feel as if you are alone, we as your teachers can listen and understand-"

"Do not speak as if you understand! I would never speak to someone who gives people nothing but a false sense of security and a weak mind. A person like you has caused more suffering than you realize and have built your throne upon lies. You, All Might, are a false prophet. You "Symbol of Peace" will never understand."

Madara turned on his heel and marched off, fuming.

All Might was worried. Very worried indeed. This was a student who was unnaturally powerful, covered in scars, physically and psychologically, and his only hint to why was that Madara seemed to have been hurt by the hero society. All Might hated to even consider it, but Madara made the prospect of a very frightening villain.

When Madara arrive home Kurama laughed at his hair. A lot.

A/N: Madara joins the Baku-squad!

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