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Days passes slowly when not doing anything. In my case: thinking about Malachi twenty-four seven, longing for him to reach out. After a day or two realisation hit me that I'd go crazy sooner rather than later if I kept up with this meaningless doing-nothing. Therefor, I began buying myself with home studies, not heading to school more than necessary because of the "precautions" that needed to be taken. Lee had to follow me every single time I left the house unaccompanied, which was a strange sight in uni. Although, Lee was the better of the two body guards, since he adapted to his surroundings in not only dressing, but acting as well... At least, most of the times.

First time I went to school after the hospital visit, six days after my return home, we'd taken Lee's car to lower the risk of something unpleasant to occur. What "unpleasantness" that could be I didn't know—I'd never been attacked, followed or harassed ever because of the Langner name. The University of Aleensburg had ten thousand students, four thousand students enrolling each year and around twenty-five hundred graduates each year. It was, in other words, a rather big University. Not the biggest or greatest of Merdía—that price went to Carlenti Royal University of Business in the capital Carlentin—but it was the perfect match for both me as a person and for educational purposes.

"So, do you wanna stay here?"

Behind the wheel of Lee's black truck, he smiled.

"I didn't think so..."

We left the car in the parking lot behind the school cafeteria. The whole facade was made almost entirely out of glass and students, professors, doctors, assistants, docents and other staff member could be seen walking the landing on the second floor above the cafeteria and be seen sitting—either eating, having a cup of morning coffee, writing an assignment or conversing with course mates—at the marble tables in the cafeteria.

"Want a coffee?"


Lee could barely hide the small smile at the corner of his mouth. "Coffee?"

"Oh. No thanks, I gotta get to class." We headed to the stairs, when I saw a small chance... "But, if you want one, please go get one. My class room is one floor down, second corridor to the left in room B14."

"No need, I'll get one later."

"You sure? You're not one of those 'don't-talk-to-me-don't-look-at-me-before-I-get-my-morning-cup-of-coffee'-kind-of-guy?"

"Don't worry."


Down the stairs, straight forward and the second corridor to the left was laboratory B14, where we often had our practical classes. On today's agenda was organic chemistry and thirteen out of group B had arrived. There was often fewer people in the laboratory sessions for some reason. It didn't bother me usually, but today it did. Lee's presence would not go unnoticed. People would know he wasn't a student. He looked like he could be, but a twenty-seven year old, built like a slender bull, and more interested in social studies rather than science, he could be mistaken for a uni-jock.

Perhaps they'll think he's one of those seventeen others who barely ever make it to this class?


"Hey Lee?"


"About that coffee..."

"Don't worry about it."

"No, I just- I would really like some now... Class starts in five though, so I won't be able to-"

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