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"Have you got the keys?" Quinn yelled from upstairs.

I stood ready by the door, jean jacket in hand and shoes on, waiting for the slowest member of our family to put on some clothes and makeup. I could somewhat understand how Dad felt when Mom sometimes took forever to get ready before an event.


Quinn came pounding down the stairs, struggling to get the looped earrings on. "We're leaving!" She yelled and hurried out the door.

"They already left."

She frowned and stopped upon seeing her reflection in the Mustang's window to wash some lipstick off from the corner of her mouth. "Where were they going?"

"The opening gala for Summer Angel Project."

"Oh." We jumped into the car seats. "Aren't you suppose to be there?"

I shook my head. "No volunteers. It's a fancy upper up people kind of thing."

Quinn winced. "Who would willingly be stuck with sunnie borns... Party in Sutherhall sounds like a sundae compared to that little icicle."

If she meant a three hour car ride to the coast, only to attend a home rave by the coast and then get the minimum amount of sleep before returning home in the morrow, then yes it seemed like a whole a lot more fun.

After a four hour long car ride to the coast, including a stop for a bathroom break at Valhelen to get some food in our systems, we rolled onto the ferry that would take us to Seagull Island just outside of Sutherhall. The sun was low on the horizon, slowly disappearing in the distant waves, painting the waters in a cascade of orange nuances.

"Look," Quinn pointed to the island's pointy end where a huge villa lay among the stony cliffs, a construction mainly made of glass. "That's it!"

People were dancing to the pounding beat that must be travelling all the way back to mainland. All of them were lightly dressed if not only in bikini or bathing shorts. It looked like one hell of a party.

"Cheer up, Nole," Quinn bounced my shoulder. "You look dreadful."

I tried on a smile. "Not at all. I'm just...taking it all in. It looks like a fun." I watched as three dots made backflips from the highest cliff at the villa, straight down in the darkening waters. Strangely, the waters close to the cliffs seemed to light up. Quinn noticed me observing the waters with a scowl, and laughed.

"Oh gosh! It's like you've never been to a 'gul party before!"

I never had.

"Those"—she pointed at the illuminating waters—"are underwater lamps, built into the cliffs for one purpose only: midnight cliff dives."

I could think of at least a dozen more whys' someone would want lamps near cliffs.

"And you are suppose to be a marine biologist."

"We don't exactly study human machines underneath water..."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Come on, it's time to take land."

Twenty minutes later we rolled up towards the villa premises. It had tall walls encircling it with a tower watch. Quinn rolled down the window.

"State of business?"

"Pleasure," she spun.


"No brawl, more alcohol."

The light flicked to green and the gates slid open. As we drove up the driveway, I looked at my sister. "No brawl, more alcohol?"

"Complaints to the host, not me, thank you very much."

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