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The night went faster with Asher to occupy my somewhat unsettling nerves. After getting my drink and a refill of his krasnyy voron year 2046, we sat by the cliffs a little bit off to the side as not to disturb the drunk divers. I told myself it was better sitting here, watching them if something was to happen, than shaking ass on the dance floor.

From the corner of my eye, Asher took a sip from his glass before hanging it over his knee.

"I'm surprised they have such a grand width of supplies."

His eyes watched the starlit horizon. "Reez's parents are rich."


"Rezien Santiago...Jr." A small smile. "Our host?"

"Tall, fair hair, unique choice of clothings?"

"That's the one."

"His parents won't be happy when they get home."

"Don't think they care as long as their house still stands. Reez is a very...unique...individual, but it was his parents who made him that way. The apple never falls too far from the tree."

Good observation. "Are you sure you aren't applying for the psychology program?"

He looked strangely at me before a small chuckle. "I think I'm gonna stick with International Relations and Human Rights."

"The replies will be sent out in July, am I right?" He nodded and I continued: "Party while you still can."

"Woking on it," he cheered me.

Loud hollerings were heard from the pool, thundering nearer as the group speeded up before throwing their wobbly bodies over the edge. I watched, breath caught in my chest, as I waited for the last head to pop out of the water.

"How do you know the host?"

"I don't."

I watched Asher, then chuckled. "Then why crash a party three hours from home?" The further I got on the question, the more I realised how odd it was that we coincidentally had ended up at the same party.

He snapped up my questioning eyes. "Don't get me wrong," he chuckled. "I know Sam."

I didn't know who Sam was so I just nodded in understanding.

Loud noises came from the house and we turned to see the cause of my heart almost jumping out my chest. Nothing could be seen at first, but then people came running out of the house. All of them scattered and ran off the property in different directions.


The remaining divers on the cliff jumped without hesitation upon hearing the warning. Cops at a party isn't that bad, if you aren't underaged or taking drugs. I had nothing to fear...but I couldn't be too sure about Quinn.

"We should leave," Asher said calmly.

I agreed. As people were leaving, we headed inside. Striving through the mansion took forever—the villa didn't seem even the slightest bit less crowded when we stepped over the threshold than it had when I first laid eyes upon the living area. More chaos took place when flashlights started peering through the bodies as the police made their way through, shouting for everybody to stay calm and don't move. As expected of drunk youths doing more than illegal stuff, they didn't listen.

Asher grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a wall, avoiding a cop, and coming up at the other end of the kitchen.

My gaze scanned our surroundings, trying to make out Quinn's sparkling purple cocktail dress, but she was no where to be found.

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