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The smell was overwhelming. One could almost see the steam oozing from the kitchen area. It was a lovely smell reminding me of a childhood memory stored deep in my brain. However much I tried, I couldn't envision the memory, only let the dwelling emotion of happiness surge through me.

"Noli." My attention drifted to Mom, standing by the reception with a big smile on matte pink lips. "Ready to seize the day?"

"Couldn't be more ready." I had prepared a small list of activities when me and Quinn got home, not a minute before clock struck 15:00, yesterday.

"We've made a few changes." She licked her finger tip before searching through a small stack of papers. "We have put another volunteer at your original person, since she had to go to a relatives' graduation party this afternoon. It would be a little tricky, due to her disability—she is in need of a car when travelling longer distances."

The small ache of not having my licence yet stung my chest.

"We do have another person who would fit you, age wise. So, you will be going to the Sunnie Side—"

"Mrs. Langner?" A short girl with braids popped her head out from the office. I remembered her name as Vero, one of the receptionists. "Solomar is on the line."

"Coming," Mom replied. "Sorry, I need to hurry. A lot to do today, including meetings." She rolled her eyes discreetly—I knew she wasn't very fond of meetings on a busy day and from what I'd overheard Mom say, Solomar was an impatient man. He wouldn't want to wait long. "Here's the address. Feel free to bring some pastries from the staff room. Nothing's better than a fika as an ice breaker. Alright, I'll see you tonight." She kissed my forehead. "Remember to have fun!"

I smiled back at her. "Will do."

She hurried away and I headed toward the kitchen area, but stopped in my tracks, a smile plastered to my face as I saw Leeza in apron, dancing along in the kitchen while baking.

"Dancing among the waves, with the sweet summer scent of Wal—"she was interrupted as she swung around and met my gaze.

"Please, don't stop because of me."

She smiled. "Magnolia, long time no see."

"Only a week."

"Yeah, but I've been here every single day so for me it feels like an eternity. So, first day?"

"Yep. Just here to pick up some fika?"

"Oh, you wanna have my mom's delicious cabura maron? Here, try some." She gave me a round bun-cookie with soft dough.

"They smell delicious."

She giggled. "You tell me. The whole building's been soaked in cardamom and bluebells for days."

"That's where I recognised the scent from. Bluebells!" I took a bite and my eyes almost rolled back into my skull. "I've to thank you for the most wonderful enlightening of a childhood memory. These are absolutely amazing."

"God I hope so. Take the whole basket with you." She handed me the lovely rolls. "I made more than necessary."

"Pasty overload."

She raised a brow. "No kidding. When are you heading out?"

I checked my watch and almost doubled back. "Now. Gotta take the bus leaving in ten."

"Good luck on your first day."

"Thanks, you too...on your...what? Sixth?"

"Seems about right. Loving it though!" She began dancing again, swaying her hips to Lamambo like crazy, no care in the world. Her world seemed absolutely amazing and I'd do anything to exchange life for a day or two.

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