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The next day, I woke up with the light shining onto my face

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The next day, I woke up with the light shining onto my face. I sat up slowly, in a big daze, moving out of the sun that sneaked into my room between my blinds.

"It's too early to get up," I mumbled to myself.

I dragged my legs over to the window to close my blinds when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Ah!" I let out an annoyed groan as I fell back onto my bed.


The doorbell rang again.

I kicked my legs over my body and backwards rolled on my bed before standing up on the other side. I opened my bedroom door and walked out.

"What do you want-" I asked as I opened the door, only to get carried up.

That was when I noticed who was here.

"Jae! Put me down!" I exclaimed, trying to push myself away from my clinger brother.

"Nope," he replied cheekily as he let out bursts of laughter.

"Jae!~" I exclaimed again, laughing along with him. "Put me down!" I continued to shout but to no avail. "Let me, at least, close the door before Dispatch finds out that you have a sister," I deadpanned.

"Fine," he replied before letting me go.

I could feel the support from before disappear and my leg hitting the ground.

"What's got you so excited today?" I asked.

"Uh how about you! You recorded your first song! With your first group! That's something to be excited about right?!" my brother exclaimed loudly as I went to close the door.

"I mean yeah," I replied. "But I still need to go back to polish it up."

"That's besides the point. You recorded your first track! Congratulations!!" Jae exclaimed again making me roll my eyes. "So how were they?" he asked, plopping down onto the couch.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking out a packet of coffee. "Their vocals are really good. Their rappers too! They did give a big background check on me and asked a lot of questions-" I continued to only hear Jae squeal when I started talking about the questions.

"BUT I avoided the ones where you were involved in."

"Be careful Soh. I've kept you hidden from the media for a while," Jae advised, his tone now more serious.

"I know Jae. Don't worry," I replied, as I poured hot water in my glass.

"What's going on with you?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Well... I'M HAVING A COMEBACK!!" Jae exclaimed.

"REALLY! AHHHHHH!!" I exclaimed just as loud. "SIR YOU NEED TO GIVE ME THE DATES NOW!"

"The dates aren't confirmed yet. But it'll be in December," he said, making me pout at the first statement.

"That's so exciting Jae!! YEEEE!" I commented.

"It is! But I won't be able to come over as frequently now," my brother raised.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Anyways, the semester is about to end soon. I'll probably be at the company carrying out my internship," I said, trying to comfort my brother.

"Mm if you say so," he replied, as he picked up my school bag from the floor.

He stood up and placed my bag on where he had sat.

"I would love to stay longer but I need to go film something in the afternoon," my brother explained.

"Ahh ok," I replied, understanding the situation.

I placed my cup down and opened the door.

"Congrats Soh! You're gonna make great music with your group. I know it," Jae said as he left my house.

"And how do you know?" I asked.

"Brother Instinct. Never has failed, never will," he said simply, trying to sounds philosophical.

I rolled my eyes at my brother and his quirkiness.

"Goodbye," I said, closing the door on my brother.

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the girl behind the music - tbz sunwoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now