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I sucked in air through my teeth, as I heard the news

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I sucked in air through my teeth, as I heard the news.

"Jae started a vlive to address the topic. It worked but some people are still unable to accept the fact that Jae has a sister," Ms.Kim whispered to me. "I, together with the company, would like you to share about your brother to the group; in case if anyone were to ask them about it, at least it seems like solid proof."

I turned to the group in front of me who were looking straight at me, awaiting my next instruction to them.

"Because of my brother's situation right now, the company has asked me to share with you about this relationship my brother and I have," I started.

I gulped hard on the ball of saliva on the back of my throat. I didn't what it wa s the made me so hesitant to share about my family life with the group that I have worked with for three long years. We've laughed together and cried together, we were practically family.

'They could also want to know who my brother is.' I tried to encourage myself.

I let out another breath before speaking again.

"As you may or may not have already figured out, my brother is Park Jaehyun, also known as Jae or eaJ from Day6," I began.

I monitored the boys' reactions, waiting for a sudden burst of shouts or 'woahhhs' but there wasn't much to it. The members cracked smiles and smirks onto their faces, hearing the truth about my brother.

"We know," Jacob confessed.

I didn't need to look at a mirror to know that my jaw dropped. I thought I had hid it well enough to keep it from them. Not dropping any other hints other than how he was on Kpop Star. Was it obvious?

"W-Wait how," I managed to spill out, in the midst of my mini shock seizure.

"Deobis were commenting about it on our vlog with you. So, Eric did a full google search on Jae," Haknyeon explained.

"We were questionable at first because, well, it said that Jae didn't have a sister but here you are," Hyunjae added.

"Yeah, Jae and I discussed that he doesn't want the media to know about me. For the sake of my safety and so that I can live a normal uncharted life. The life of Sohee and not, the life of Jae's younger sister," I explained.

"Why don't you want to be known as Jae's younger sister?" Eric asked out of curiosity.

I sucked air through my teeth again. My head tilted to the side as I chose the right words to explain. "I don't want people to compare my music to Jae's. Saying things like you should do this because your brother is doing it, I don't like it. My music, my rules," I answered.

"Well, as a group, I think, I can speak for everyone when we say that we will never compare you to anyone else, because your music is absolute god tier and nothing can beat that," Sunwoo encouraged.

I let out a small laugh, muttering a 'thank you' before turning back the laptop that has slept on me. I shook my mouse to see Butterfly already opened on my screen.

"Are y'all up to record Butterfly now?" I asked, earning many nods that were reflected from the booth window.

"Are y'all up to record Butterfly now?" I asked, earning many nods that were reflected from the booth window

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