Getting your periods at school

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Hey girls! 💜

Did you ever get periods at school....don't feel are not the first and last person with whom this happened

Today I will give you tips for stress-free periods

1-Know that it is ok-this has happened to most of the people whom menstrate

If you do get an unexpected period at school and are not prepared, there is no need to panic. You are not the first and definitely not the last in this situation.

What's important now is to make you feel comfortable with the situation. A big part of that is making sure your blood is collected in a way that makes you feel comfortable—that means getting some supplies.

2-Get supplies that you feel comfortable using

Schools usually stock their menstrual products in two places: the girls' bathrooms (either in free-for-all baskets or in small change vending machines) and the nurse's office. (Some schools may not have a nurse's office or health office.)

3-Prepare for next time

Before your next period comes, stock up on whatever collection methods you use and make sure you have a few spare pads or tampons in each backpack and purse that you take with you most often. They will be a good backup option in case your school's bathroom stash runs out.

4-Look out for your friends

Be kind and helpful to friends and classmates who end up in a similar predicament. Offer a tampon or pad and help normalize periods and menstrual health in your group of friends.

If you see blood on someone else's pants or skirt, let them know discretely about the situation. If it is their first period, take them to the nurse or bathroom and lend them some period supplies if needed. You are in this together, so look out for each other!

Hope this helps you:)

Riya signing off✍

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