Clear skin natural remedies👀

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Hey girls💜

I'm back with remedies for clear skin

1)Use cucumber for clear skin

-Cut a thick slice of cucumber

-Rub it thoroughly all over your face

-Leave it overnight

-Rinse with warm water in the morning

-Do this daily before going to bed

2)Turmeric Night Gel

-Combine turmeric & aloe gel and mix.Use it as night gel.


-Mix 2 tsp each of lemon juice and sugar

-Apply it on your face,neck and hands

-scrub in a circular motion & leave it for 10 mins

-Then rinse it off with lukewarm water

-Do this once in a week to enjoy your glowing skin

Do try these and tell me how it goes

Hope it helps you:)

Riya signing off✍

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