Self care tips⭐️🌼✨

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Hey girls💜

The concept of self-care is one we're hearing about more and more lately. The world today often feels out of our control and many people are struggling with feeling disconnected, stressed and anxious about the future. Everyone seems to be asking, what is self-care? And what are some self-care tips that I can use to take care of my mind, body and soul?

So today I'm going to give you some tips on self care

Self-care looks different for everyone. What's soothing to one person could be stressful to another. An extrovert may find that socializing with friends is an excellent form of self-care while an introvert would find this draining. However, there are some tips that work for the majority of people and will help you begin to picture your own answer to "What is self-care?"

1-Schedule it in:-

We often make excuses for why we can't practice self-care: we don't have time, we don't know what to do, we'd rather be marathoning Netflix or cleaning the house. If you're not used to taking care of yourself, it may be difficult at first to figure out what self-care tips work for you. If this is the case, you'll benefit from scheduling in "me time" on a daily or weekly basis.

Reserve 20 minutes in the morning to read or meditate. Block off one evening a week to indulge in a long bath or visit with a friend. These are great ways to keep yourself on track and make self-care part of your regular routine. It's also important to let those close to you know what you're doing so they can be supportive of your new self-care practices.

2-Get physical

We often overlook our physical health when discussing mental and emotional health, but the mind connection body can't be denied. When your body feels healthy and strong, your mood soars, and when you're in a great emotional state, it shows in how you move your body. Make it a point to regularly engage in physical activites you love as a form of self-care.Whatever self-care tips you decide to incorporate, make sure they bring you at least some level of happiness. Forcing yourself to jog every morning if you're miserable the entire time is not self-care.

3-Change your mindset:-

It's hard to feel fulfilled when you're constantly focusing on the negatives in life. Why? Because where your focus goes,your energy goes. Say you're at a restaurant on an incredible date with someone you're deeply interested in. Everything's going well until your waiter mixes up your order and you end up getting the wrong dish. You decide to eat the incorrect order but are secretly fuming about it. When you look back on the evening, you can hardly remember your connection with your date, but you still remember receiving the wrong order.

Instead of focusing on what's wrong, learn to adopt an ambundance mindset. This is perhaps one of the most life-changing self-care ideas you can incorporate into your life. Reframing your thoughts and is a deliberate practice that takes time. However, if you're able to accomplish it, you'll experience greater joy and fulfillment in all areas of your life.


One practice that can help you change your mindset is meditation. Meditation helps you clear your mind and focus on the present. It has many proven benefits including reducing stress, regulating mood and even making you more productive.

5-Eat nutritious food:-

When you think of self-care comfort foods, you might envision treats like cupcakes or huge, rich and savory meals. While it's certainly beneficial to treat yourself once in a while, envision self-care in the form of more sustainable food like leafy greens, alkaline foods and items that will make you feel energetic and strong.

6-Do something fun:-

To answer the question "What is self-care?" ask yourself another question: When was the last time you felt pure joy ? Maybe your favorite song came on and you danced around your house or sang at the top of your lungs in the car. Maybe you got completely "in the zone" working on a new piece of art or a project around the house. Or you took a road trip to a completely new place, or got your adrenaline going with a new fitness activity.

When we're stressed, it's easy to forget that self-care means doing things that bring us joy. With many of our go-to fun activities no longer available to us or shifted online in a socially distanced world, it's hard to get in the mindset of having fun for its own sake. So step away from the computer. Don't check your email this weekend. Forget what the world wants you to be concerned about. Go do something fun!

Thank you for reading! 

Hope this helps you :D

Riya signing off✍

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