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We entered with false confidence into the house, surprised that once we were inside it wasn't dim or a mess. There wasn't rotten wood everywhere, or cobwebs or broken glass.

There was, however, strange symbols painted in what looked like blood on the pure white wallpaper.

"On behalf of the Mistress I will remind you that as long as you are guests in her house, no harm shall befall you as long as you do not harm us,"

We all glances at each other. They were clearly feeling just as unnerved as I was. In fact, I was feeling downright naked without my weapons.

"The Mistress awaits," The vampire headed to the right into a much bigger room, complete with an enormous table adorned with candles.

At the other end of the room, sat at the head of the table, was the blonde vampire in her white wedding dress with our first guide stood behind her to the left. The other vampire walked straight to her and took up his post on her other side.

Her silver eyes slowly moved over us but this time I felt no pull towards her (thank God). She lifted a delicate looking hand with perfect long nails and gestured gently to the seats either side of the table.

"Please, sit,"

Her voice sent shivers down my spine. Not because it was creepy, oh no. Her voice was so innocent and soft and... normal. It instantly put me at ease, which then obviously made me more nervous - especially with her odd accent.

We hesitated and she sighed just a little, "I swear that you are all safe here. If any harm becomes you unprovoked, I will personally take responsibility,"

My friends looked at me and I decided to be brave and pull a chair out.

"Thanks," I managed to speak without my voice cracking. Go me. My friends quickly took seats either side of me.

"Why are we here?" I thought that was pretty polite for a victim of a kidnapping, "Who are you?"

To my surprise, she smiled a little, "Those are fair questions," Her eyes fixed on me and as before, I could feel the weight of her power.

"You may call me Bee. I am the Mistress here, and I have invited you all here because we need to talk,"

There was silence on our end as I struggled to control my response. Luckily for us, Jin spoke up.

"Talk about what? And why now?"

Her silver eyes moved to him and he squirmed in his seat, "I- I mean, we've been at war for so long,"

"I was not at war with you," She replied, "You started killing my people and my young ones fought back,"

I frowned, "Your young ones were killing people!"

"They were not," She said simply. I could feel myself getting frustrated.

"With all due respect," I snapped, "Your vampires were feeding from innocent people and draining them until they died. In fact, I take back the respect thing, they-"

Hoseok's hand wrapped around my wrist, "Jimin," He warned me. I took a deep breath.

"I understand your reasoning," The blonde said, "But it was not us. We do not kill our prey; if one of us do, then they die to atone,"

"Well if it's not you, then who is it?" I snapped, "Because it's happening more and more recently,"

"Which is why I called you here," The Mistress said loudly, her clear voice instantly demanding everyone's undivided attention, "There are more signs appearing every single night and we need to put our petty past behind us and form a truce and an alliance,"

All my friends and I gaped at her. Jin once again saved the day, "Excuse me?"

The blonde vampire lifted a hand and our second guide (Jungkook?) stepped forward.

"How much do you know about demons?"

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