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"So you've really never been to Union Station?" Cameron asked with a surprised look upon his face "I can't believe your dad never took you here"

"Yeah, I guess he never got around to it" I sighed "to be honest I didn't even know this was here, is that horrible?"

"uh, yeah it's mildly horrible" he chuckled and I playfully punched him 

"It's like a classic old-time train station," I said looking around at the benches and ceiling lights

"Let me let you in on a little secret" he stood closer to me "it's actually a working train station where people take trains" I giggled as he took a picture of some dude eating an ice cream cone "then again you don't strike me as the public transportation kind of person" 

"Well I carpool to school" I announced 

"In your friends Lexus," he added "hi Mr.Cahill" I looked over to a man shining someone's shoes 

"Ok, this place is amazing," I told him "I guess I just never come downtown because it's always  so crowded"

"With street, photography crowds are the point" Cameron explained "it makes it easier to blend in"

"And people don't mind you just taking their picture," I asked skeptically

"Well it depends," he said getting his camera ready "sometimes I ask for permission and sometimes I don't but after a while, you sort of developing a sense of when it's ok to shoot" he took a picture of some random old man who noticed and started yelling "and when to run"

"Wow so much for that special sense" I rolled my eyes and laughed a little as he pulled my arm "it's almost like a superpower Cam"

He gave me a look and continued walking "let's go to Gene's Beans" he said with a smile, I furrowed my eyebrows at him 

"What's a Gene's Beans?"

"It's a place Casey" he sighed "we can get Nutella lattes there" 

"Ooh" I gasped "that sounds good"

"It is" we got to the place and ordered two lattes which came remarkably fast, I took a sip and it was pure bliss, it was warm and it had a perfect combination of Nutella and coffee

"You like it don't you" Cameron grinned, I nodded while taking another sip 

"Wait, are you smiling?" I asked "wow, who would have thought, I've just never seen you like this at school, you're always this quiet person who can be loud when someone has their pants down while you're eating lunch" he burst into laughter as we sat down 

"Maybe it's because no one in those places calls me a loser" he confided with a small smile "or puts a fetal pig in my pack pack" 

"Ew" I mumbled 

"Yeah, it doesn't matter though, high school is just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not, but this place, this place is real. just like horses, best bullshit detectors in the entire kingdom" 

"But obviously Gilly doesn't think I'm full of crap" I laughed 

"That's correct or I wouldn't be here with you today" he replied 

"I'm sorry things are some bad for you at school," I said looking down at my feet, it was kinda my fault everything was horrible for Cameron "I guess I'd be in a hurry to graduate too" 

"Yeah, I'm really only doing it some my grandmother doesn't freak out" he chuckled and I frowned 

"Cameron?" I asked and he looked over at me "why is your grandma the one living with you?" 

"Well our father lives in Sweeden, his choice and after our mom died..." he trailed off 

"Oh, Cameron I'm so sorry," I said touching his arm gently 

"It was three years ago, she died in a plane crash. She was dating this guy named Marcus who flew a turboprop and one Saturday morning they were on their way back from Laramie and um" I rested my head on his shoulder 

"You must miss her a lot," I said softly as he placed his arm around my shoulders 

"Yeah, mom was the best" he mumbled "she was the one who gave me my camera" 

"That explains why you love it so much," I said taking in every little detail about the camera 

"What's going on in your family?" he asked "anything new"

I sighed and sat up "not really, it's still just my mom and me, she works her ass off to keep what we have and to give every opportunity to me, my dad is currently in Alaska with his new family. Things are hard on my mom, she does everything for me and I'm worried that I'll fail and everything she's done will be for nothing" I heard his camera shutter and I looked over "hey, did I say you could do that" 

"No" he laughed "that's the whole idea of a candid shot, if you know I'm going to take a photo then you have to fix your hair and you do that whole nose scrunching thing or duck face thing" I demonstrated both "yes, exactly like that" 

suddenly my phone chimed, I picked it up and saw a message from Alden How's our bet? ready to be branded a loser? she asked Why u scared? I typed back heard it's painful, call me about the party

"Is that an emergency?" Cameron asked 

"Uh, no sorry, wait, actually it depends, are you free next weekend?" I asked brightly 


"It's my friend Alden's birthday and she's having a themed party," I told him

"And what's the theme"

"I don't think you're going to like it but it's Drop it like F. Scott, it's a Great Gatsby thing" he rolled his eyes and I knew instantly what he was thinking 

"Yeah, she does realize that those parties in the book represented the shallowness or the ruling class right?" he asked 

"Sadly that's the appeal Cam, people want to feel important, and high class," I told him "so this is how she does it, so what do you think? you down to get bougie together" I cracked up after saying that "that was one of the cheesiest things I've ever said in my entire life" 

"For starters yes that was extremely cheesy and I will come" he smiled 

I let out a small squeal "yay"

"But can I bring some people?"

"For sure bring whoever you want," I told him 

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