[vi] Darren's Evil Sister || Ugly Faces at Annii

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This girl. Green eyes, chocolate wavy hair, fair skin. She's a student judging by her set of books. I been seeing her here for a day or two on certain days. She makes her order, sits at a available table, reads her book or types something her laptop for a hour or two, and then leaves. She always leaves around the same time when she stays here.

She had a cute face.

I was only here because this is where I have a small lunch with my little baby sister, Susie. She was sitting in front of me on the second floor private section of the coffee book shop. She was was chit chatting about her finished year of collage and planning going to our beach house for the summer.

"Is Rosie going with you?" I asked her.

"Ugh, why would I take her? I don't do charity work nor do I want to babysit." Susie made a resting bitch face and looked at me in disgust.

"She's our cousin and your house sister."

"She got drop from the ranks; I made sure of it." Susie told me and I just looked at her in shock.


"Don't make me feel guilty about it either. She had it coming by the way she been hanging out with group of reject losers that probably drop-out by the fall. Like, seriously, she housed this poor girl with abandonment issues." Susie eye rolled. "I know she felt bad for the poor thing for losing her job and don't bring them home to a house where she's not welcome."

"I never realized how much of a bitch you can be? Remind me to never let you close to my kid." I raised a brow at her.

"As if I would ever bond with the demon kid you nutted in this world. Darren," she patted my hand I had sitting on the table. "I think it's great you claim the child by Polly..."

"Molly." I quickly corrected her.

"...like it matters., I'm not planning on being bestie with her.  You were better off terminating the fetus and moving on."

"I would never kill my child or even let Molly go through a abortion." I said, glaring at my sister.

"What I'm getting at is having this baby with a women you had a one night stand with is bad for business. Father's business." She said and continue, "We are still dealing with the fact you just got released from prison and going through a drug addiction, adding a unwanted baby on top of that is just going makes things more messy."

"I'll be fine."

"You? Im talking about the whole family. Do you know how many times I'm harass about you and your bloody mistakes." I knew she was going to make my problems about her so she can victimized herself for being a bitch to Rosie. Collage didn't changed her at all, it made her worse. She's more of a bitch than before. " 'Susie, any word on your brother's new baby and his baby mama?' 'How do you feel about becoming a aunt?' 'Susie, how do you feel about—

"I get it. My choices are getting to your social life. Deal with it."

"Ugh. You sound like Rosie when I told her to drop the dead weight and be normal." Susie fold her arms.

"I see collage made you more self centered." I said. Then I saw her stand from her sit.

"This was fun. But I got more important people that desperately need my company." She put on her sunglasses and put her phone in her bag.

"Thanks for the cup, I appreciate your sisterly support." I said as a joke.

"Trust me, Darren, you never had it. I don't support the needy, they support me." She said lastly and left.

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