[ ii ] Worried Darren || Nervous Annie

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Darren’s POV…
“Darren? What's wrong?” My father ask as I stood in front of him. I knew he knew about Molly’s condition but I wasn't ready to talk about it.

“Nothing,” I shake it off and lay some papers in front of him.

“Darren, I’m your father and I know when something is wrong.” He stared at me.

I sign very, very, very deeply and sat down in one of his office chairs. “Molly’s pregnant.”

“Your assistant?”



“Spring Break office party. We were wasted and she… it's mine.” I inform him, having a flashback of Molly showing me the results of the DNA test. I went with her, I had to.

“I expected something like this from your brother.” He added in, than he rub his face. I can tell he regretted asking me what was wrong with me. “So… what's the plan?”

“I don't have one.” I shake my head.
“Last night, I was just thinking at Lucky's about my plans for my future alone. It's going to be my first year out of prison, I was going to get clean and heal, stay away from shit like this; problems that stop me doing what I need to do. That's always been the plan since I was release. I was going work, focus on myself, and make a career for this company since Art is fucking his through the staff.”

“Son, look—” Darren cut him off.

“I get that that plan is gone, but I’m not ready for this. A baby. I don't have a steady life.” I felt my whole body shaking like crazy, I couldn't stop. “But… now what? What am I supposed to do?”

Darren’s stared at him, thinking everything over.

“Do I ….” i started to crack. “Do I forget about me, my self-healing plans and go be with Molly? Or continue with what I need to do for myself while Molly is having my baby?”

“I can't answer that question, Darren.”

“Fuck! That's the same thing Jackie said.” I said, mentioning my younger sister.

“I can't answer it because you're asking the wrong question.” he pointed and stayed silent. “You're thinking’ about what's best for you. But you're gonna be a father now.”

I put my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down. My leg was shaking like crazy and I needed a beer. I don't know if I can't handle this.

“From this day forward for the rest of your life, all that matters is the best for that kid.” he told me, honestly. Its my dad, I couldn't disagree with him when he was right.

A image of Molly and the baby pop in my head. Focusing on only the baby. It made me smiled.

“Like right now...I like to be in Hawaii with my wife retired, instead I'm stuck here watching your brother drooling over every girl he sees while he destroying my business. I'm lucky I have you and your sister here to control him.”

I look up at him. “I'm not ready for this.”

“Nobody’s ever ready. I got handed a company without knowing’ how to run it. But I was more scared when I found out I was gonna be a father.” He smiled at me from his desk.
“I think you're gonna surprise yourself with how ready you are.”

I stood up from my chair, we actually hug for once. Something we normally do until we're trying to pick each other pockets.

“Thanks dad.”

“And if you're not, tough shit, you gotta do it anyway.” he lastly added in. “Bottom line, you gotta do whatever you can to care for that kid.”

“Well, you know I'm going to be a good dad?”


“Because I'm looking at a great one.”

“I'm not loaning shit. You better treat Molly with respect and don't force her to do anything.”

“Controlling Molly is the one thing I can't even do. She's too independent to be controlled.”

Annie’s POV…Ok… here I go…

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Annie’s POV…
Ok… here I go…


I saw the video call got accepted and a black screen appear in front of me. I took a deep breath and gathered all my thoughts for this video interview.

“Hello, Ms. Drake?” The interviewer greeted and I nodded, “Welcome, I'm sorry once again for last minute interview over video. I'm away on business from Boston.”

“Its alright, Ms. Ramirez. I understand.”

“Lovely,” I watch the beautiful Latina go through some papers over the camera and look back at me, “I see that you were recently employed at the Uzumaki book store that Dimitri Inc. just purchase. How long have you work there?”

“For 18 months in June, part time as I attend Boston University full time.”

“Oh, you're a student?” She sounded surprised.

“Didn't I mention that in my resume. I'm a sophomore.” I frown my brows a little.

“That changes things a little bit.” she inform.

“How so?”

“The job offer you apply for is for full time.” She told me and my heart sank. “I took a look of your resume and I have to say that's very impressive, Ms. Drake. It would be a shame not to hire you, but it seem that we can't.”

“Not even part time. I heard that the company hires students for parttime.” I said.

“We do. We do. But, I'm afraid open positions for Uni are full for the summer. But I know some spots do open up in the fall once students go back to school. You can always re-apply than.”

My heart had sank deep. I needed this job for my bills and extra stuff that I needed. “No, that's alright.”

“Alright, well, —

“What if, I apply for fulltime. I am sure I can work something out with my schedule with my classes.”

“I don't think that would do—”

“I am already done with my classes for the year. Well, not all, the remaining are online but I don't think those will distract me from work at Tipton Industries.” I said, I may sound a little desperate but I really need this job.

Im behind on my bills and I hate to ask my parent for money just for me to get by. Hell, my parents don't even know that the book store got closed and I lost my job. If they knew, they would send for me to go home. Something I don't want to do. Going home will mean saying goodbye to Boston and back to our little ranch in Colorado.

“Mmmm…” this latina women continue to stare at me though the camera, and than smirk at me. “When can you start?”

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