[vii] Another Monday

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Rosie and Bonnie never got along. What was suppose to be a relaxing day at the spa was a screaming matching and I was caught in the middle of it. Good thing out of this I found why they hate each other. They use to date. It was news to me that Rosie was bisexual, or even an lesbian since I never seen her with an guy or even be interested in a guy; but that's none of my business. Although I seen her flirt in a joking manner about Loki to me.

Bonnie left the spa angry and Rosie gave me a look. I frowned, "I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"That we dating or that she's bitch?" she snapped at me.

"Um, mmm, both?" I awkwardly smiled.

"Glad you finally see it." I followed her to another room and we step in a bathroom. It was huge and fancy. We picked a pooled in the private section, removed our towels before getting in and welcomed the hot water on our bodies.

"May I asked why you broke up?"

"Bonnie has a problem with being faithful and being honest, she lies too much and plays victim and the blame game when she gets caught. Not to mention she uses the race card to her advantage. She already cheated on Chad but he's too far up her vagina to see straight." Rosie said and I couldn't help feel pain for Chad. He's a great guy with a good heart. I couldn't believe she would do that to him.

"That's too awful. I didn't know she was like that."

"I was the same as him. It took me awhile to see the light. She's not a good person."

"I see." I said thinking it over. "I guess we will have to make the best of it whenever she's around."

"You can, I'm going ignore the bitch." Rosie said sinking in the water. "Chad knows how I feel and understands. He believe she working on herself to be a better person for them."

"Is it true that she's pregnant?"

"Who knows. Could be another lie. She couldn't pull that shit with me but Chad is a guy that believes everything she spits out."

"That's wrong on her part."

"Everything about her is wrong. I can't believe I dated her." Rosie went water and the topic of Bonnie ended.

The rest of the day was as Rosie have planned. Relaxing and recharging for the week to come.

Monday rolled around and spend the morning running around TipTop. Sending out mail, setting up board meeting, writing emails, and even make coffee. Things that are not my job. When I applied to this company, I expected training and detailing and a hard internship so I can gain some experiences for my resume. They turn me into a damn servant. I wish I had the spirit to speak up to these entitle people.

"Hannah?" an lady, someone higher than me. Another beautiful lady in a black corset top, leather skirt, and knee high boots which I'm sure is against the company's dress-code.

"Um, It's Zatanna, Ms. Samwell." I said.

"Whatever. I need you make some copies for me ASAP..." she toss a single piece of paper.

"Okay, how many..."

She cut me off, "I wasn't finish, fish." she insulted. I been called that for while not knowing the meaning behind it until Rosie explained it to me. They call me 'fish' because of my lips. I have full lips, naturally. But I'm guessing someone spread a rumor that I get lip fillers like Kylie Jenner. No. Like I have the money for that. "I need you to make 30 copies of those and these," she toss few more sheets my way. "I also need to put them in order, bind them together for this afternoon meeting. Mr.TipTon has a very important meeting with a very special client. Then, I need to transfer a document from my desk laptop to the meeting room, I will provide my password for that; just don't go through my files. I will find out. After you do that, you are to gather lunch menus for the 30 members in the meeting. You got until noon to get it done." she said, give me her personal information and left.

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