1/Founders Day

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I was playing pool at The Grill with my brother Tyler when our dad comes in.

"I thought I told you two to go home?" My father scolds.

"We decided not to." Tyler responds.

"When I tell you to do something you do it." My dad says as he grabs Tyler's arm.

"Get off him." I say pulling his arm off my brother.

"Mayor is everything alright?" Caroline butts in. My dad looks around and sees Matt on the other side of him.

"Please kids I need you to go home, take your friends with you." He says with a now concerned tone.

"Why what's wrong." I ask.

"All if you need to get home now, please." He pleads looking around at the teenagers around him.

"Yeah, okay." Tyler says. My dad lets out a sigh of relief.

"Here take my car it's out back." Me and Tyler share a look of confusion and concern. Dad rarely lets us drive his car. "Come on Caroline, Matt go with them."

We grab our stuff before heading out to his car.

I notice Jeremy Gilbert talking to a girl outside the restrooms.

Jeremy barely talks to me anymore. We used to be best friends but after his parents died he closed himself off to me. I wanted to comfort him and help with his grief but he ignored me every time I tried talking to him. I gave up on trying awhile ago but I still miss our friendship.

"Why was dad acting like that?" I say as we all settle in the car. I sit behind Caroline and next to Matt.

"Don't ask me." Tyler says jokingly.

We drive for a bit, heading to Matt's place first, until out of nowhere an ear splitting noise fills my head as I yell out in pain.

"Hey hey Abigail!" Matt shouts while shaking me. I hear Caroline shouting at Tyler as I feel the car crash into something. Every thing goes dark.


I wake up with a gasp and see Tyler doing the same.

"What happened?" He asks Matt who is crouched above him. I notice Caroline kneeling next to me and watch her begin to fall, I grab her before her head hits the ground.

"Caroline!" I shout and watch as people gather around us.


I walk out of the hospital restroom to see Tyler on the phone. I wait for him to finish the call and notice a distressed look on his face as he hangs up.

"What's wrong?"

"Dad's dead."

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