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I step down the stairs of my house to see guest walking around. Must be another of my mothers party's. I look around for my mother and see her talking to a man. I walk up to her.

"Mom can I borrow the car for a bit?"

"Oh, yes, of course," She reaches into her pocket and hands me the car keys. "Abigail, i'd like you to meet Elijah Smith, He's writing a book about Mystic Falls."

I turn to see a rather attractive man standing across from her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Abigail." He takes my hand and kisses it. My face flushes red as he lets my hand go. 

"Oh, uh, it's nice to meet you too." I turn to my mom "I really have to get going, love you."

"Love you too." She smiles as I hurry away.


I step into The Grill, Caroline had invited me, I see her and Jeremy at a table and I make my way to them.

"Hey Caroline." I greet her. I never really spoke with Caroline so I felt out of place.

"Oh my god Abi, thank you so much for standing up for me. When you just ripped out his heart It was so badass." Caroline says.

"That asshole had it coming. Who treats someone like that? It's sickening."

Caroline looks around.

"Okay, I know you know about witches and all that so I thought you could help us with something." I nod and she fills me in on Luka and Bonnie. Soon after she finishes Bonnie walks up to Luka and starts talking. Jeremy walks up to the table.

"Hey Bonnie called me, I wanted to help, what'd I miss?"

"She's selling and he's buying." Caroline says. "She's giving him the sex smile." She jokes and I laugh.

"Alright Caroline I get it." He says with a hint of jealousy. He was jealous of Luka. I felt a pit in my stomach at this. He liked Bonnie? Was I jealous of her?

Suddenly Luka starts to look ill, the three of us begin walking to him and Jeremy holds him up as he starts to fall.


Caroline walks in with armfuls of candles.

"We only have an Hour or two before my mom gets home so let's be quick."

I grabs some candles and place them around the room.

"How does this work?" Jeremy questions.

"I put him in a trance and ask him questions. Kinda like hypnosis."

"Are you sure you're powerful enough for this?" He asks with concern.

"Thats what the candles are for, I'll draw energy from them to strengthen my magic."

"I'll get the matches." Caroline says and turns to leave the room but stops when Bonnie speaks.

"I got it." Suddenly all the candles light in unison. I gasp at the magic she used so casually.

"Yeah I'll never get used to that." Jeremy says after noticing my reaction.

"Oh come on that's pretty hot, you know it." Caroline says. Jeremy nods.

Another feeling of Jealousy forms but I bury it in me.

We are just friends I shouldn't be Jealous.

"I need a bowl of water."

"Okay, yeah I'll get it." Jeremy says before walking out of the room.

"What was that 'It's hot'." Bonnie says when he leaves the room.

"He's so crushing on you Bon." Caroline says.


"So, you'd rather be with traitor warlock here?" She gestures to the man laying on the ground.

"I'm not into Luka he just understood me, he was new and exciting."

"And you've never seen Jeremy as anything other than Elena'sbrother, but you're a witch, I'm a vampire, Abi's a werewolf. You know it's not like we're in any position to-"

"To be picky"

"No, to judge."

"What do you think Abigail?"

I shove the jealousy down deeper inside me and muster up a response a good friend would say.

"Oh um, you should try things out with him and see if you like it, if you don't you don't, if you do then-"

I get interrupted by Jeremy foot steps.


I walk out of the restroom and make my way back to the living room. Caroline had gone back to The Grill to drop Luka off.

I stop walking when I see Jeremy and Bonnie kissing. I feel an ache in my chest. In that moment I wanted to rip Bonnie apart limb by limb. I shove my feeling down again. I walk out the back door and practically run to my car.

Why do I feel like this?


I walk into my house and see Tyler walking down the  stair with a duffle bag in his hand and a letter in the other.

"Ty? Where are you going?" I ask him confused.

"Abi, Jules tells me there are more like us. She wants to bring me with her back to her pack."

"Just you?" I say with anger now.

"She can't forgive you."

"Your just going to leave me and mom, your family, for some strangers?"

"I just need to figure some things out, they can help me."

"What the fuck Ty!" I try to shout but my voices breaks as I fail to fight back tears. They weren't tears of sadness but of anger.

"Abigail, I'm sorry but I really need this. I need to find my people. I love you." He hugs me before he opens the door and disappears before I can say anything back.


I sit in my room sobbing, trying to let of all my pent up anger out. My phone rings, I blow my nose on a tissue and take a deep breath before pick the phone up. Jeremy. I pick up the phone.


"Hey, are you okay? You left pretty sudden earlier."

"Yeah, it's just uh," My voice breaks, revealing i've been crying. "Tyler left. He went with Jules back to Florida and he's isn't planning on coming back."

"Hey do you wanna come over? We can talk and you can sleepover like we used to? Jenna is over at Ric's and Elena is at Stefan's so we can do whatever we want."

Me and Jeremy used to alway sleepover, my dad didn't like me staying over at boys houses but with Jeremy he made an exception. He was my only friend since before elementary. Well other than Tyler. I was friends with few different girls but those friendships never lasted long. I was lonely when Jeremy pushed me away but I found comfort in the solitude.

"Yeah, I'd love that. I'll be there in 10." I smile as I hang up.


Jeremy and I ended up talking until 2 am and watched a movie before falling asleep on the couch. I had really missed this and I could tell he did too. We had gone through so many phases of our lives together but now he made me feel something different. I was starting to have feelings for him. It was hard not to when someone you've grown up with turns into a tall, hot guy. I was falling for him but I didn't want to ruin what we already had. I had to bury whatever I felt because he liked Bonnie and I needed our friendship.

~Jeremy's POV

Now I was in trouble. I had feelings for Bonnie but after tonight I realized I liked Abigail that way too. I mean I have alway thought she was pretty but now, seeing the person she was after all this time, this funny, selfless, caring woman. I missed her smile and the way she could always make me laugh. But she was my best friend. I didn't want to ruin what we had so I buried it in me. Bonnie liked me and I liked her.


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