5/First Turn

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Tyler came to my room after everyone at the party left. He assured me everything was taken care of and that he and Caroline told the cops that the two girls were drunk fighting with each other and it ended fatally for both of them. He also told me about the Lockwood curse and how Mason was a werewolf. He told me that we were now both werewolves. It took me a while to comprehend it but I soon accepted it. I didn't mention the encounter with the Gilbert's and Salvatores because I wasn't fully sure what I witnessed.

I slept with millions of questions in my head.


I stepped out of Tyler's car when he parked in the school parking lot. I see Jeremy talking to Bonnie, he waves me over.

"Hey Abi I've been meaning to give this back." He opens his backpack and hands me my teddy bear and my t-shirt, I laugh.

"Oh thanks." I say as pack them into my Backpack. I leave quickly. I wave goodbye to Bonnie.

I walk into the school and head to my locker. I pass Aimee old locker that has been decorated with flowers and pictures. Images of the piece of glass in her eye and the words of Sarah before she stab Tyler flash in my mind. I feel my throat tighten as I hold back tears.


In history class I felt Jeremy's stares at my back. I notice Alaric giving me strange looks too. I decide to ignore it as I try to take notes. I end up drawing in my notebook instead. I draw wolves and for some reason I find myself drawing vampires. The kind from old movies with coffins and bats.


Somehow I make it through the day without crying and I walk outside to Tyler car. I lean against it as I wait for him. Suddenly I hear a loud banging nose and a car alarm go off, a few seconds later Tyler storms up to the car. I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off.

"Not now."

We get into the car and drive in silence. Finally he speaks.

"I think Caroline is one of us."

"What, a werewolf?"

"Yeah, she helped us for whatever reason and she's unnaturally strong. I'm going to confront her tonight."

We pull into our driveway.

"Whatever, just keep me updated will you?"

"Yeah, don't worry."

~~~ Two days later

I take my phone out of my pocket to call Tyler but I have no service.

"God damn it!" I say in defeat. I was lost in the woods on a full moon. Tyler has always been bad with directions. Now I wander aimlessly just waiting for the change to happen. Tyler showed me the tapes Mason made about his first turn and I wasn't looking  forward to the hours of pain to come.

After about 10 minutes of walking I feel a sharp pain in my spine causing me fall to the ground. Seconds later I start to feel more and more of my bones crack. Seconds turn to hours as I yell in pain while feeling my skin burn and my bones break. After what seemed like days of pain I black out.


I wake up naked in my own backyard. I look around frantically to see if anyone was around before running inside. Thankfully the back door was unlocked. I run up the stairs and into my room. Without putting on clothes or washing off I lay down into my bed and immediately fall asleep.

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