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Tyler and I welcomed the guest attending our father's funeral.

"How many of these people do you think actually cared about him?" I ask after I welcomed an old couple.

"One, our mom."

I sigh as I see our uncle walk up the porch.

"The black sheep returns." Tyler says to him.

"Tyler is that you? you're still twelve years old in my mind." He say as he hugs him and then turns to me. "Abigail wow you definitely aren't 10 anymore." I smile as he gives me a bear hug.

"It's nice seeing you too uncle Mason but I was 8 when you last saw me."

"Come on inside." Tyler says and then walks inside with Mason leaving me alone at the door. I see Elena walk up.

"Hey Elena thanks for coming." I say at I lean against the doorway, not bothering to shake her hand.

"Abigail right?" She asks me with a smile.

"That's me." I say trying not to sound annoyed. She smiles at me again before walking inside. I got bored outside quick.

Screw this I'm going inside.

I walk inside and to the dining room to grab something to eat. I pop a grape in my mouth as I watch Matt talk to Elena. I eat some more small foods before leaving the room.

I walk to my dad's old study to find his flask. I sigh when I find it on the bottom drawer of his desk. I drop down on his couch and take a drink. I cringe at the bitter taste.

I start to cry as I stare at the ceiling. Something I had be doing a lot of these past months. In the corner of my eye I notice someone walk in.

"Oh sorry I was looking for-" Jeremy Gilbert starts but I finish his sentence.

"The bathroom? it's down the hall." I say still staring at the ceiling. I wipe my tears but I know my mascara is messed up.

"Hey I'm sorry about your dad."

"I'm sure you are." I respond coldly. He stays silent as if he's mustering up the courage to say something.

"Abi I'm sorry for blocking you out an-" He finally blurts out before I stand up and hug him, still crying. "and I really miss you." he finishes and hugs me back.

"I missed you too." I say into his shoulder. "Jeez when did you get so tall." I laugh as I look up at him and he returns a smile. I pull away and offer the flask to him. He takes a swig as I sit back down.

"Hey I really am sorry about your dad."

"Don't be, he was a dick."

He chuckles "Yeah, yeah, he was." I couldn't help but smile. He had that affect on me, I always smiled around him.

He sat beside me and I put my head on his shoulder. We stayed like this for a while before our moment was interrupted by Mason walking in.

"You got somewhere else to be kid?" He held out his hand for the flask that Jeremy is still holding. Jeremy gives me a look before walking out.

"You know you're too young to drink."

"Cut me some slack my dad just died." I say. He laughs before taking a drink. To my surprise he hands the flask back to me.


I walk into the dining room looking for some more food but it had been cleaned up. I head to the kitchen. As I open the refrigerator I hear a crashing noise and see Mason rushing down the stairs. I rush behind Mason and watch as he tackles Tyler, yelling at him to calm down.

"Sweetheart please go to your room." My mom turns away from the boys. She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room. I yank her arm off me before walking upstairs.

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