6/The Pack

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Damon yanks my arm while we follow Stefan and Tyler into the woods. After a few minutes I see a RV and Jules waiting for us.

"Where's Caroline?" Stefan asks her.

"Locked up tight."

"Let her go and we'll release them, doesn't have to get much messier than it already has. We are not your enemy."

"Little late to wave the white flag don't you think?"

"You need to leave town, no one else has to get hurt."

"I'm not leaving without them."

"They're free to make their own decisions, once you release Caroline."

she stays silent and stares daggers at Stefan.

"Oh come on, it's two for one take it. Without a full moon you're no match."

"I'm not so sure about that tough guy." She whistles and people start to surround us with weapons.

"Hand them over."

Damon releases my arm.

"You heard her go." He wave me and Tyler away. I hesitantly walk over to Jules.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" Of the men surrounding them asks.

"That'd be me." Damon responds.

"Make sure he suffers." The man point to Damon. Suddenly they start to attack. Tyler jumps into the RV and I climb in after him.

"Tyler, there's a latch over there I can't get to it." Caroline says locked into a cage with blood spots all over her and darts on her neck, I cringe at the inhumane sight. Tyler doesn't move.

"God Ty, have you no morals?" I push pass him and free her from the cage. We head out of the RV and the man who ordered Damon's death pushes her against the outer wall of the RV and holds a gun to her back. I kick him off her.

"Your the one who tortured her right? I can see it on you're face you psychotic prick. Does it make you happy hurting a defenseless girl?"

"She a vampire! I was doing the world a favor." He gets up as I step closer to him.

"Is that you're best excuse?"

"Vampires kill people! Vampires killed Mason!"

"She didn't! Damon did, why don't you torture him instead of a teenage girl!"

I push him against the RV. Before he speaks I rip his heart out.

"Oh wait, you need a heart to do that." I drop his heart and get tackled by Jules.

"I trying to help you!" She grabs a stake off the ground and before she plunges it into my chest she yells out in pain and holds her head before dropping to the floor.

I get up see a man muttering something under his breath and holding his hands in a strange way. He must be the witch helping Elijah that Jeremy told me about.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go." Me, Caroline, Stefan, and Damon head back but Tyler stays behind. I give him a confused look but he doesn't meet my gaze. "When your friends wake up give them this message: You need to get the hell out of this town."


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