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"Thanks, my dad taught me after all" I replied pulling the knife out of the shifter "now that were finished let's hit the road" I continued as Dean walked out the door Sam and I following behind

                  ~A few days later~

"What do you think it is?" Dean asked after he read an article that Sam previously read while I sat in the backseat since I left my car at a bunker that belonged to my father

"Im not sure, we would need more information than this article" I said as he glanced at me through the rear view mirror nodding

                       ~Time Skip~

We walked through the department doors and walked towards the desk "Agent Landis, these are my partners Agents Miller and Garcia" he said as we showed our badges

"What can I do for you agents?" the sheriff asked

"We're here to see about the murders that happened last week" Sam replied

"Sure follow me" the sheriff said as he led us to the corners office leaving us alone. I walked towards the body and looked at it's neck and arms seeing fang marks on it. The marks were circular and would only be recognized as bites by hunters.

"They look like vamp bites" I said looking at Sam who nodded as Dean looked around the body as well. We soon covered the body and walked out getting into the Impala.

Dean drove to the motel we were staying at we had separate rooms but they were close to each other. I walked to their room after leaving a few things "find anything while I was gone?"

"There have been a few local disappearances but it doesn't look like their in the system" Sam said looking at me as I closed the door

"We're they reported?"

"Yeah, they were reported but never placed in the system"

"Do you think that the sheriff is involved? We saw him at the desk but he wasn't supposed to be there"

"Maybe, let's go cheek the alibi" he said as he stood up and walked out the door me following behind

We got into the Impala and drove towards a local bar we walked in and looked around Sam went to the waitresses and I went to the bar "excuse me but did Sheriff Rogers come by yesterday night maybe around six?" I asked looking at the bartender

"Yeah, he was here almost the whole night, poor guy looked like his girlfriend dumped him" he replied and I nodded

"Thank you" I said as I walked away and bumped into someone

"Watch where your going" the man said as he grabbed my arm

"I advise you to let go" I said as I smelled the alcohol on his breath

"Or what your boyfriend gonna come save you?" He asked as I shook my head

"No, I'll hurt you" I said as I elbowed him in the gut as he let go of me and I punched him in the face walking back to Sam

"What was that about?" he asked looking over at the man

"Nothing, anyway the sheriff's alibi checks out, the bartender said he was here all night" I said as we walked out of the car and got into the Impala driving back to the hotel. We walked back to the room and walked in looking at Dean who was closing the computer.

"While you two were out checking the sheriff out I figured out who the vamp is" Dean said as I looked at Sam then back at Dean in surprise

"Who is it?"

"A women named Melissa Lopez and a man named Luke Johnson both of them were near the victims"

"Okay, let's go tonight"

"Okay, we'll see you later"

                        ~~Time Skip~~

We got into the Impala and Dean drove to the site where the vamps were staying in. Sam opened the trunk and pulled out a machete passing it to me and pulling out a machete for himself and Dean. We walked towards the entrance of the barn and Sam walked in along with Dean while I stayed outside as a couple of vamps came at me "boys we have a problem!" I yelled

"Yeah, it's a nest!" Sam yelled back as I heard bodies dropping from the inside. The vampires came at me and I swung the machete chopping it's head off and cutting another ones head as it came towards me as I didn't notice the one behind me.

It overpowered me and pinned me down on the ground it's teeth showing as I tried to kick it off but couldn't I closed my eyes as I felt a warm liquid on my face I opens my eyes and pushed the vamps body off of me standing up and looking at Gabriel

"Thanks for the save again" I said as I grabbed the machete from the ground and sliced the head off of one of the vamps that was coming towards us

"Save the thanks for later sweetheart" Gabriel said as he sliced another vamps head off. I nodded and we went inside the barn after we finished with the vamps outside we went into the barn I saw Sam tied up. I ran towards Sam and chopped the vampires head off as Gabriel killed the other vampire that was near Dean once we killed all the vampires I let Sam loose however he was still unconscious

"Sam, wake up!" I said as I lightly tapped him on the cheeks he woke up and looked at me

"Y/n?" He asked as he focused on me and I nodded I looked over at Dean and saw him waking up untied I looked around and saw that Gabriel disappeared

Dean stood up as I helped Sam "did you take on all of these vamps by yourself?" Dean asked looking around the barn seeing the bodies on the ground

"No, had a bit of help but apparently he had to leave" I replied as he nodded and walked out of the barn as I helped Sam out and into the Impala placing him on the front seat and I got in the back

Dean started to drive and he glanced at me through the rear view mirror "this friend, is he the same one that helped you out with the shifter?" Dean asked

"Yeah he is" I replied looking out the window

"He a hunter?"

"To be completely honest I'm not sure what he is"

"Oh but he is skilled if he helped you fight off that nest while Sammy and I were knocked out"

"Yeah he is skilled in fighting I'll admit that"


After an hour we got back to the motel and Sam and Dean walked to their room and I walked to mine agreeing to leave early that next morning

                          ~Time Skip~

I got up and changed quickly, I grabbed my bag and walked outside to the boys "morning Sam, Dean" I said as I opened the door and put my bag in the back seat

"Morning" Dean said as Sam walked towards the passenger seat getting in and Dean walked towards the driver's seat I closed the door and got in

Dean drove towards a town where he suspected there were werewolves since bodies have been dropping for a week hearts ripped out of all the victims. Dean parked at a motel and we got out "we're going to the latest scene want to come along?" Sam asked as I shook my head

"No, I'll stay here and do some research on the vic's" I said getting out and taking my bag and walking towards the room that the boys checked into for me.

I opened the door and pulled out my laptop looking up the M.E's report of the bodies I took notes on a few things about the victims "hey y/n" a voice from behind me said I immediately took the gun off of the table and turned around pointing it at Gabriel out of instinct

"Gabriel don't do that again" I said lowering the gun, placing it down and pulled the notes together

"Hey y/n Dean-" Sam said as walked in and stopped talking as he pulled his gun out and pointed it at Gabriel "Dean!" He yelled and Dean came running aiming his gun at Gabriel as well

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