The Unreal and "Perfect" Life

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"What? What type of persuasion did you use? You know what, don't answer that" Dean looked ahead as he started the Impala then began to drive as I closed my eyes, falling asleep shortly after

~Time Skip~

"Sam?" I asked as I looked around the dark room, my vision was limited yet I was able to see everything near me. "Dean?"

A hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump until I heard who it was, or at least who I believed it was. "Y/n, it's me!" Sam's voice spoke as the hand was lowered from my shoulder

"Where have you been? And where's Dean? I can barely see anything in here" all of us had brought flashlights, yet they all died somehow. This wasn't even a ghost case as far as we knew so it had nothing to do with activity

"I don't know where Dean is, and quite frankly, I hope I don't run into either Winchester" I was out cold before I knew it

With Sam and Dean

"I can't believe we lost her, she was right behind us Dean!" Sam's voice boomed as they exited the warehouse they were previously in

"I know she was!" Is all Dean said before he got into the Impala, placing his hands on the wheel, gripping it tightly

"What are we going to do? We have to go back in and find her" Sam was about to get out and walk back in yet he was stopped by Dean who shook his head, a hand on his brothers shoulder

"I'm sure she's okay, I'm not always the logical one, but we need to come up with a plan" Dean started the Impala

"I suppose that's true" Sam sighed "we don't even know what it is we're hunting"


Once they got back to the motel they made their way into the room that they had rented out. The case was a bit unclear but we all came to investigate based on a victim pull with similar characteristics to something we had hunted before, even if we couldn't pin point what it was, we knew it was something we knew

After over an hour of looking into the victims, what they had in common, their friendships, jobs, anyone they knew, they finished. Sam landed on what it was, standing up immediately "I know what it is" his distress was audible

"What?" Dean raised a brow

"A djinn"

"A djinn what?" A voice came from behind Dean causing him to slightly jump before turning around, ready to fight until he saw who it was

"Damn it, Cass" Dean took a step back "What did I say about personal space? And weren't you busy somewhere?"

"In heaven, yes" Castiel replied as he moved away from Dean "as to why I'm here, I'm not truly sure, I suppose I felt like you needed me"

Sam cleared his throat causing both Dean and Castiel to look at him. "We need to find y/n, we lost her in a warehouse and we think a djinn has her"

"A djinn took y/n?" Cass questioned as Sam nodded "we have to find her" the next thing either of the two knew he was gone

"Do you think Cass...?" Dean trailed off on the last words as Sam shook his head in response

"I- I don't know, let's just get moving and find her"

"Alright, geez"

Meanwhile with y/n

I woke up in an unfamiliar room and bed, the room walls were painted a faint almond color, almost white, the bed sheets were white white the blanket was red. It all for together, it was my idea of a room, an ideal one at that

The sound of the room door opening drew me to turn quickly to see who it was. "Sam?" I questioned seeing it was none other than Sam

"I came to check in, hope you don't mind that I ransacked the kitchen to make you this" Sam walked into the room with bowl of what seemed to be his version of breakfast, it was a rather ideal breakfast, it had pancakes with f/t and scrambled eggs along with two pieces of toast, it was a rather simple breakfast but I enjoyed it

"That's okay Sammy, thank you" I smiled taking the breakfast from him. "I'm still a bit tired and a bit groggy, could you remind me where I am?"

It was already a bit obvious from his previous words yet it needed to be made clear. "You really hit your head last night, you're in your house, and your husband is out on an appointment right now but he'll be back soon"

"Husband!?" I placed a hand to my mouth immediately after yelling that out, Sam looking at me questionably

"Yes? Are you sure you didn't get a concussion or something?" Sam raised a brow

"I-I'm sure, I'm fine, just a bit drunk" I began to eat the breakfast as Sam shrugged

"Alright, I'll see you later y/n, I've cleaned up the mess I made so don't worry" Sam walked away as I waved then finished the breakfast

After a few minutes of gathering myself I got out of the bed with the empty plate in hand. The house was my dream house, it was large enough to fit children, had enough rooms to have guests and the kitchen was large. Everything was in order, nothing out of place which was a bit surprising

The front door opened the shut, footsteps approaching as I washed the dishes that Sam had brought me to use for breakfast. Before I knew it, there were arms wrapped around me and a kiss was placed on my neck, it took me a few seconds before turning around and coming eye to eye with the angel himself

I eyed the ring on his finger than the ring on my own, they were matching, a set. He was the husband Sam was referring to, that was when I knew it, this was a djinn's work. There was no possibly way I would end up with him if it were real life.

With Sam and Dean

"Do you think she knows she's under the djinn's illusion?" Sam questioned as he looked at Dean who shrugged in response

"I mean, I knew it wasn't real but I didn't know who's work it was. I think it depends on her point of view on things, she can fight it and find a way out, besides, we have Cass" Dean pulled over at the warehouse they had previously been in

"And Gabriel" Sam added to Dean's previous statement


"We have Gabriel too, even if we don't like the guy, he's saved y/n and cake to help more than once"

"Well, yeah, he has, but where is he now? Nowhere to be found"

"I know, let's just go in"

With y/n

"How did Dean get out of this?" I muttered

"How did Dean get out of what?" The angel asked

"Nothing, I have to go to the bathroom" I immediately walked away and into the bathroom that I had previously found. Once I was in the bathroom I locked the door, then sat on the edge of the bathtub with a sigh

After a few minutes a voice emitted from behind the door. "Y/n, are you okay in there? You've been in there for longer than usual" the angels voice rang

"Is that my voice?" The angel appeared Infront of me in the bathroom, this wasn't the one the djinn had made up based on my supposed desires, this was the real Castiel

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