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"Bravo, you figured it out" he replied as he uncrossed his arms and clapped his hands "you're right, I am an archangel"

"Great, my guess was right, so, what are you doing in my room at..." I trailed off as I looked at the clock "almost five in the morning?"

"Your little werewolf case, the wolf is your dead mans girlfriend but she isn't acting alone, her friend is also a werewolf and he's coming for you and Dean. In fact he's already on his way here" he replied then suddenly disappeared

I immediately got out of bed and changed then ran towards their room and practically started banging on the door "Sam, Dean, open up!"

Dean opened the door "why the hell are you banging on the door at five in the morning?" He asked rubbing his eyes

"It's coming for us so wake your ass up and grab your gun" I replied as I pushed him in the room

"What do you mean it's coming for you and Dean?" Sam asked as he stood up with his gun in hand

"The werewolves, plural, there are two, the women Dean and I talked to and her friend who is on his way" I replied as I looked through the blinds

"Why is he coming only for you and Dean?" Sam asked holding his gun in hand

"I don't know Sammy but stay out of it for now, stay in the back while we're with it. If we need back up come out, don't let it know your here"

"Okay" he said as he walked towards the back with his gun still in hand

Dean and I sat together with our guns hidden under the pillows. We laid down and closed out eyes acting as if we were asleep. The door was soon kicked in and we immediately pulled the guns out from under the pillows and opened fire at it. The werewolf was on the ground, dead as we stood up and walked towards it however we didn't count on another wolf showing up.

It grabbed us both by the neck and slammed us against the wall "great, didn't count on you coming as well" I managed to say looking at the wolf in her eyes

It didn't answer as the door opened and Sam shot the wolf in the head. "Great timing Sammy" I said sarcastically as I rubbed my neck where the wolf had held me. "I'm going back to my room, those two were the only ones we actually cared about so goodnight boys" I said as I waved walking out the door

"Night" they both called out in reply as they watched my walk out. "Do you wanna start looking up a case?" Dean asked he sat in the bed then laid down starring at the ceiling.

"Already found one" Sam replied as he laid down on his own bed. "We can check on that tomorrow, let's get some sleep for now"

"Fine" Dean replied closing his eyes and falling asleep. Meanwhile I laid awake in my bed looking at the ceiling with a small sigh escaping my lips. I didn't sleep that much that night, I got up and started looking for cases early that morning, I searched magazines, newspapers, articles and everywhere I could have found a car until I did and immediately went towards the boys room where I ran into Dean getting everything loaded.

"Found a case Sammy?" I asked as I looked at him while leaning in the doorway

"Yeah, actually, I did and we're headed there" Sam replied with a smile as he stood up

"Okay, I also found a case but would you care to tell me where yours is? If it's in the same city and the same case we could work together but if it's not then I can go check mine out while you check yours"

"Five towns over, about a five hour drive or so"

"It's the same case alright, let's get going then" I said as I walked out and towards the Impala. After I was finally infront of it I heard Dean's voice along with another male voice that I didn't recognize. I walked over to check then nodded with a smirk once the male disappeared leaving Dean. "Who was the hot guy you were with?" I asked raising a brow

"That was Cass, an angel, literally" Dean replied washing towards the Impala and getting in. I shrugged and followed getting into the backseat as Sam got in and sat at the front.

"Two angels so far, how eventful. They're both kinda cute though" I thought to myself with a smile as Dean started to drive while playing some rock songs on low volume because of Sam who didn't like it.

~Time Skip~

Sam and I figured out what it was that was kidnapping people so he called Dean as I looked for a few things on what the djinns power actually was. I read as I shook my head hearing Sam explain to Dean what a djinn was and where it would usually hang out. He walked towards me and sat down reading through a few things as well.

"Do you think he'll actually be okay? Going in alone I mean. It's a djinn, you guys haven't exactly faced one of these so are you absolutely sure that he won't need back up?" I asked as I glanced at Sam who shook his head

"Dean will be fine, he learned from our dad so I'm guessing that's enough for him" Sam replied looking at the book then turning the page.


Dean pulled over and pulled his weopen out quietly walking over and into the building. He looked around until he spotted his target and was about to strike when the djinn turned and practically lunged at him. The djinn placed his hand on Dean's forehead causing him to fall unconscious.

The next thing Dean knew was that he woke up in bed and looked around. He got up and went for a glass of water until he spotted a framed picture and looked at it with the most confused look on his face. "Are you okay sweetie?" A female voice called as she walked towards him

"Yeah, I'm fine" he replied looking at the picture of what seemed to be a wedding day. He looked at his hand and saw a ring causing him to look at the women's finger only to see the identical set on her hand.

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