A new case

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"Dean, I got here as fast as I could!" Cass said as he walked towards me and placed a hand on my forehead causing my wounds to disappear. He then moved on towards y/n who seemed to a cut on her arm, he placed a hand on her forehead and her wound sealed then he turned while standing by her side


I crossed my arms once I was healed. Of course, an angel, who else could heal wounds like that? "Should we get going soon?"

"Yeah, let's get going before another djinn decides to show up" Dean replied jokingly as he walked past us and out of the building

"He's joking" I said as I looked at Castiel who looked confused

"Oh" the confusion was wiped away before nodding and walking out with Sam following behind

I got into the Impala in my usual spot with my arms crossed while looking at Castiel who was now sitting next to me. "You're an angel, aren't you? Why don't you do that teleporting thing you guys do instead of riding with us?"

"I need to talk to Dean, I see that it is easier to talk to him this way rather than meeting him at the motel he is staying at" Castiel replied as he watched Dean who was talking to Sam

"What about?" I asked curiously as I turned to look at the boys as well then at Castiel

"There has been an... incident in heaven and I won't be able to come to their aid as much as I have been" Castiel replied as he turned to look at me

"It's okay Cass, there's nothing to worry about, their in safe hands plus they're not alone anymore. They not only have you but me as well and I know you've seen me in action because I know I've seen you before"

"No, I assure you that you haven't seen me anywhere, at least not me, maybe you've seen my vessel but not me. I assure you that I've been in Jimmy for awhile but not long enough to see you"

"Come on Cass, enough of that. We both know you followed me around for awhile for some reason and despite that I know of what you are now, I have no affiliation whatsoever with angels except for you. So far you're the only angel I've met and you're a very handsome one at that"

"I'm not sure about your human flirtations or what they mean but I'll admit to one thing which is following you. I was assigned with following you for awhile but gave up shortly after because I was assigned to a different task"

"Castiel, I believe you but when you're watching me be aware that I can see you and know where you are. You can't hide from me, no one can, so it's best you don't try, I don't want to hurt you" I replied as I pat his head before Dean and Sam got into the Impala

"Woah, what's the head patting about? Am I still in lala land?" Dean asked starting the car as I rolled my eyes

"You're no longer in the djinn dream world. Cass and I were talking about what he wants to tell you two" I turned to look out the window as Castiel told Sam and Dean what he had told me

"We'll go ahead Cass, we'll ring if we need you" Dean turned up the radio and began to drive

"See ya' Cass" I smiled, kissing his cheek before he nodded disappearing

"Kisses on the cheek? Anything going on between you two that I should know about?" Dean smirked as I shook my head

"We just met Dean, I admit that he's attractive but I'm not interested" I waved my hand looking out the window "where are we going this time?"

"Bobby Singer's place" Sam replied looking out of his window

"Bobby Singer? I've heard that name before but I can't place my finger on it... well, I'll figure it out soon" I shrugged as the other two nodded

After a day of driving we arrived at what looked to be a scrap yard. Dean pulled over and got out along with Sam, I followed behind the two. "Bobby!" Dean called out as he walked in

"He's not here Dean, he went to hunt a pack of wolves" Sam read a note

"Welp, if he's not here then I guess we should leave. I mean, I know of a case near here that we could go check out" I showed them an article of a house where people disappeared in on one day of each year. "We have to go now since whatever it is only had effect over the house tomorrow night"

Sam nodded placing the note down. "Okay then, let's go" he smiled

"Let's hit the road" Dean said as he walked out the door. We all got into the Impala and began to do our own things, Dean driving meanwhile Sam and I did research about the house. I had done enough research on it but that didn't stop me from doing any further investigation.

The house was mostly active during one time a year. Whomever went in disappeared without a trace. It was locked and considered private property, regularly patrolled by police especially on that one day.

After a few hours of driving it was night, a few hours until it hit twelve. Sam flashed a light around as Dean slowly drive by, as far as we could see it was empty and no one was around. Dean pulled over in a dark clearing near the house where the Impala wouldn't be easily spotted. Sam and I got out, immediately going to the trunk to get a few weapons in case we needed them.

I picked up a small bag that I had brought along and threw it over my shoulder as Sam did the same with his duffle bag. "We need to be in and out before the clock hits twelve" I muttered with a small nod before walking towards the house with the boys by my side.

The stairs were a bit creaky while stepping on but it was to be expected from an old abandoned home. I checked the time on my watch before opening the door where we were immediately met with flashlights being shined in our faces.

"Could you put those things down!?" I yelled angrily at whomever it was that was shining the light. As soon as I said it they were placed down revealing a group of people. One female, one male with glasses and curly hair, another male holding a camera which light was emiting from although not enough to be bothersome, one man with slicked back hair and also a chubby one.

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