Goodbye "perfect" life

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"Is that my voice?" The angel appeared Infront of me in the bathroom, this wasn't the one the djinn had made up based on my supposed desires, this was the real Castiel

"Yes Cass, it is your voice" I sighed "but that doesn't matter, tell me how to get out of this, please"

"In order to get out of the dream you need to end your life, the djinn dream is similar to a normal dream in many ways including that to get out of it" Castiel replied as I nodded

"Alrighty then, thank you for your help Cass" I smiled as he gave a small nod then disappeared, I walked towards the toilet then flushed it before opening the door to find the djinn Castiel standing in the door way

"Are you alright? Are you sick? Do I need to go buy medication?" The fake Castiel asked as I shook my head

"No, no, don't worry about me dear, I'm not sick nor do I need medication" I placed a hand on his cheek "I assure you I'll be okay"

"Alright" Castiel leaned forward, connecting his lips with mine then he pulled away a few seconds later

"Could you go you the store and buy some wine? I feel like having a quick drink later on if that's okay with you"

"Of course, whatever you'd like y/n"

"Great, I'll see you in a few minutes then" I gave him a peck on the cheek before he left. After I was sure he was fine I began searching the house to get out of the dream as soon as possible, it took a bit but I was able to find a gun, a car pulled into the driveway causing me to curse under my breath. There was no way I was spending one more moment in that world, it was perfect but something was missing

I pulled the trigger and the next thing I knew I was in a different warehouse with my hands and legs tied. "You have to be kidding me" I muttered as I began to move my hands around attempting to get lose yet I failed

"There you are, princess" a familiar voice rang as footsteps approached, a familiar figure coming from out of the shadows "I can't believe those imbeciles of the Winchester's haven't found you yet" Gabriel scoffed

"Could we talk about that later, after you untie me maybe?"

"Sure thing"

"Thank you"

"No need sweetheart"

"Of course not" I sighed as he untied me, allowing me to get up and stretch out, it felt like I'd been tied up for hours

"So, what'd you dream about in lala land?" Gabriel raised a brow as if he were expecting something in particular

"I was with my father, it was a world where he never died" Gabriel's face then went back to normal, there was certainly no way I was going to tell him I was married to Cass and had a life with him in the djinn induced world

Footsteps approached as a male came into view, he had djinn markings over his arms that were noticeable as he moved closer, Gabriel stood infront of me with an angel blade. "Get out of here, I'll take care of this"

"I can take care of it myself Gabe, thank you though" I took a few steps closer to Gabriel, taking the blade from him. It took awhile but the two of us were able to take the djinn, it was more effective working together. Once the djinn was dead and the blade was returned, Gabriel disappeared as rushed footsteps approached

"Y/n! Are you alright?" Sam came to an immediate halt after seeing I was okay along with the djinn's body on the ground

"I am, thanks Sammy" Dean and Cass came into view, walking side by side seemingly discussing something then stopping once beside Sam

"How'd you get out of it?" Dean raised a brow

"Did what you did"

"Makes sense"

"It seems that no harm was done to you" Castiel scanned me up and down, seeing if any injuries were visible

"That's great" I smiled before we all made our way outside and into the Impala. "What are you doing in here Cass?"

"Allowing myself to rest, I need to restore my energy before using them again" I didn't know much about angels so nothing was said after that statement

"I'm curious, what happened when you were under the djinn's influence y/n?" Sam asked as he turned to look at me while Dean glanced at me through the rearview mirror

"Nothing much, a world that couldn't happen in real life" I sighed

"What do you mean by that?" Dean smirked "anyone in your life that the djinn gave you?"

I rolled my eyes "yes"


"I'll let someone else answer that"

"Who else would know what you were in?"

"Think about it Dean"

"Cass knows" Sam sighed seeing his brother attempting to figure out who I was referring to despite the four of us being the only ones in the Impala

"Alright, then tell me Cass, who was in y/n's life?" Dean passed his gaze onto Cass who was maintaining his silence, listening to the back and forth until his name was called

"I was the one in y/n's life in the djinn's scenario" Castiel replied as Sam gave him a confused glance, Dean slamming on the breaks as he processed what the angel had said

"Do you understand what we mean when we ask who was in y/n's life, Cass?" Dean slowly began driving once more "we mean someone romantically involved"

"Yes Dean, I am aware of what you meant" Castiel looked out the window, his eyes trailing the scenery as we passed it

"It's true alright? Cass over here was my husband" I turned looking out the opposite window

"Sounds like my lala land" Dean chuckled before reaching for the radio, twisting the knob and turning up the volume as classical rock played

Over the course of the next few days we were all over, taking cases from whichever places we found to be much more dangerous. Every case had it's necessities but we prioritized on the one that had much more victims and people attached to it because it could cause problems

As I sat in a room in Bobby's house which we had come over to see after the many cases we tackled, my computer opened in front of me, looking up a case to go over the door opened, the boys walking in from shopping. "Any new cases?"

"I was just looking that up Sam" I clicked on an article only to stand up on guard seeing a new man in the room, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, he was rather handsome but not so much my type, even if he most certainly wasn't human

"Calm down y/n, this is Balthazar, an angel and rather we like it or not, Cass' friend" Dean spoke as I went back to normal with a small nod, an 'alright' escaping my lips

"Yes, yes, let's skip over the formalities shall we?" Balthazar spoke as he began to draw a symbol on the window. "I need you there to watch over this, it's very important to Castiel and Raphael's minions are after it. We need a safe place to keep it" he passed me something that looked like a key to an old car or something similar to it. Something began to kick the door "they've found us, protect it no matter what!" He pushed us out the window where we landed on a cushion with a buzzard going off along with a clip indicator

I pushed myself up and looked around, Sam and Dean doing the same, we turned around to look where we had been pushed out of pocket to see a set. It seemed like everything was fake, we were a part of a... series?

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