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I'm Rose Lane, or at least I use to be called that. I know go by Rosa Lane. My use to be like all the other kids in the small town I live in... I use to be a happy little girl, that was until my mother and my 2 sisters passed away from a car crash, 5 years ago.

It was my 11th birthday, and my mum forgot my cake for my "Party" and I didn't want to go without a cake, So my mum did what a mum would do and she took my two sisters with her and told me to stay with my dad. We waited and waited for 2 hours but they never showed... that was until dad go a phone call.. they were in a car crash on there way back from getting my cake. My 11 year old brain thought that they would be fine, and we would pick them up from wherever they where, but unfortunately they didn't make it... they died at scene. I don't remember much that day, all I can remember is my dad dropping his phone while dropping to his knee as he cried. After that day nothing was the same, my dad didn't look at me the same way he use too, he would never be home, he would always came back piss drunk, he would never hold or hug me anymore. he would come home from the bar drunk as fuck and mad, he would always take it out on me, by beating me until I was black and blue, yeah I know what your thinking, 'Why not run away or tell someone?' well you see at the age of 14 I tried to run away but I got caught and he gave me the worse beating ever, now about the telling someone, I couldn't do that to him.. I mean sure he beats me but I know somewhere deep down he still loves me or at least cares... or at least at the age of 14 I thought that. I'm now 16 still getting beating black and blue... I've fallen into a deep depression and an eating disorder and started self harm, which become my best friend. You see my dad wouldn't really feed me... since he was never home. Well maybe that's a lie, from when I was 11 to when I was 14 he was hardly ever home, but he found himself a job... leaves for work at 8:30am after my morning beating, then gets home at 5:00-5:30pm, I would need to have dinner on the table before or as he walked into the door, the house would have to be clean, spotless and he would want the fridge full with his beer, and if nothing was done it was worse than getting beaten until black and blue... it was beaten until black, blue and bleeding with large cuts. After I turned 15 I knew my life would never be the same again, sure I go to school. But lets listen somethings or as I like to call them, dear old daddy's rules.

-Rules: Not allowed to talk to anyone other wise they might think something is up.

Rule 2: keep your head down.

Rule 3: Must have dinner ready by the time I (Dad) gets home, if not beating.

Rule 4: Must have a job to be able to pay for the bills and food and my (Dad's) beer

Rule 5: No friends

Rule 6: no boyfriends/girlfriends

Rule 7: no talking back, other wise there will be a beaten

Rule 8: no yelling, screaming or anything during a beating.

Rule 9: You think about telling anyone or trying to run away, I (Dad) was think twice about shooting you dead.

Rule 10: Anyone finds out about what goes on within these walls, we move.

Rule 11: no sleeping until all jobs are done

Rule 12: Always address me (Dad) as Sir

I could go on forever about the rules he makes when he is drunk. You would think that school would be my favourite thing since it gets me out of this hell whole but the truth is, I get bullied and also beaten at school. but little did I know that I would end up in a house with 8 Mafia's brothers

And here's my story

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