chapter 2 - living with a stranger

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"Sooo, [Y/N], why are you ignoring me?" Brad stood behind my as I sat by my computer and did my homework. It was the third time he had interrupted me. I was furious.

"It's just not fair!" I exclaimed "why does my parents stupid unemployment have to affect me?"

"Oh, come on darling, it's not all bad, is it? A little company is always nice." He winked.

I moved away from him with a look og disgust on my face. This was the worst day of my life.

"You just don't get it Brad. Nobody gets me." I looked down.

"Do you want to talk about it?"brad asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

"No! I just want to be alone. And thanks to you and this stupid arrangement, I'm never gonna be alone. Not even in my own room.."

"Alright then" murmured brad with a hint of sarcasm "i'm quite confident that you'll change your mind once you get to know me."

I rolled my eyes, and went back to doing my homework. Brad sat behind me on my bed and I could feel that he was staring at me. I couldn't concentrate on doing my work.

"Could you please just go?" I sighed at him. He raised an eyebrow. "Go? You know I live here, [Y/N], you cannot just kick me out of my own home"

"Fine!" I screamed. "Well then I guess I have to go" I got up and stormed out of my room slamming the door behind me. I didn't know were I was going but I had to go away. This was a disaster, and every minute spent with brad was driving me more and more crazy. I took my bike, and decided to go to the park. As I got there, I sat down on the grass and tears started rolling into my eyes. Why do my parents always do this to me? It is not fair! This brad is without discussion the worst person ever, and now I'm stuck with him for I don't even know how long. Why me?

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