chapter 11 - cameron did what?

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Jessica and I talked for about an hour. It was serious.

"She couldn't have done that, Jess- do you really believe that's it's her?" I asked

"I'm almost certain; she knew, that bitch knows everything" sighed Jessica. She was completely ruined.

"Well, is there anything you can do? A lawyer or something?"

"The law really isn't on my side here, [Y/N]"

"I'm sure we can do something, Jess. I promise. We'll fix this"

"Haha thanks" mumbled Jessica, "I should go now, [Y/N]"

"It's going to be alright Jess. Bye"

Brad came back into my room, and sat down on the bed next to me, kissing my forehead gently, "Is everything alright, darling?" he asked looking right into my eyes with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"It's nothing brad" I mumbled

"[Y/N], I know when you're lying to me" he smirked giving me the thorstenblik, which looked indescribably sexy on his face. It suited him. I bit my lower lip.

"Fine. But you must promise not to tell anyone"

"I promise, baby"

"Okay. So, my friend Jess had an affair with my teacher Mr Schneider and now her parents found out and Mr Schneider is going to prison"


"It's messed up, I know, but Jess really loved him. And he loved her"

"I'm sorry, [Y/N], is there anything I can do?"

"Not really, sadly"

Brad looked at me thoughtfully, "How did her parents find out though?" he asked

"We think it was Cameron. Cameron is a bitch, she'd do anything to ruin our lives" i sighed looking down. Brad noticed that I was upset so he gently lifted my chin and kissed my softly, while running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sure you'll figure this out, baby" he muttered, "We'll make sure Mr Schneider doesn't rot in prison"

"Thank you" i answered and we went back to kissing. I couldn't stop smiling. I did not tell this to anyone yet, but I thought that I was in love with Brad. I really was.

The Good, The Brad and The Ugly [Brad Pitt x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora