chapter 12 - baby steps

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The next day I arrived at school at 9 am. I was wearing my favorite checkered skirt and my scarlet sweater. I was feeling extra cute, so I curled my lashes and put on some lip gloss. I felt good about myself.

"Hey Jessica" I shouted as I entered the school hallway and walked towards my bff. She was standing by her locker. I love you, Jess, but she sure was a mess! She was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie and her hair was put into a not so cute messy bun. Her cheeks were puffy and swollen from the tears they had absorbed the night before.

"Hey [Y/N]" she mumbled. I hugged her tightly. This sure was messed up. I felt a weird lump in my stomach. This was not going to be an easy day.

"Let's just go to class okay?" I clenched Jess' hand, and together we made our wau through the busy halls and into our classroom. We had social studies in the first period.

"Hello Class" said our teacher, Mr Gwenhale-Inhale, prestigiously as he entered the room, but the bored students weren't paying attention but instead they were braiding their hair or throwing paper airplanes out of the window.

"I have some rather upsetting news to tell y'all....... As some of you may know-" he said throwing a quick gaze at Jess, "your English teacher Mr Schneider is sentenced to 25 years in prison for having sex with a minor......."

"WHAT THE FRICK!!!???" everybody screamed at the same time, "Why- how- when?" there were so many questions. I looked over at Jess. She was devastated, "I'm sorry, [Y/N]" she muttered before grabbing her things and running out of the classroom. My classmates' eyes moved to me. I muttered something under my breath before running out after Jess.

"[Y/N]! Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" yelled Mr Gwenhale-Inhale, but I was paying attention to that. I ran after Jess.

"Jess!!" I scream, "Jess wait"

Jess stopped up and looked at me, "I can't do this anymore, [Y/N]. I can't! Now I'm the slut who f*cks her teacher"

"Oh Jess" I put my arm around her shoulder "It's going to be okay Jess"

"No, [Y/N], you don't understand. I have to make up a fake identity and move away. I'll leave tomorrow."

"Are you sure, Jess?" I asked

"Oh please don't hate me, [Y/N], I-"

I hugged Jess. "It's okay. I support you." We said goodbye and left in different directions. As I walked away tears started to roll down my face. This can't be happening. I can't lose Jess. I suddenly felt sick. Through the gasping and the tears, I managed to hurry into the bathroom where I collapsed onto the floor just in time before throwing up into the toilet. F*ck. I thought. But then again, at least it wasn't a bus - or all over myself in a park. I sighed. Jess really was gone. 

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