chapter 16 - the announcement

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The light of the candles had become whiter while the tiles softened into what felt like a bed made of fluffy white clouds. I opened my eyes to find myself in a sterile hospital room. I blinked and looked around. My head was pounding.

"[Y/N]?" I heard a voice whisper.

"Brad?" I mumbled

"It's okay baby. You had a bad concussion, but you're okay now, okay?"

"Yes Brad. thank you" I answered

"And don't worry about Angelina - that is in the past [Y/N]. I love you, and only you." BRad whispered as he looked into my eyes. I smiled slightly, "I love you too, Brad" We kissed softly before the doctor walked in.

"You are good now [Y/N]. Go home"

"Okay" I replied so we took our stuff and left to go home. I still hadn't told Brad about the baby and was discussing with myself whether I should or not.

"Brad?" I said

"Yes, [Y/N] ?" He asked

"I'm pregananant"


"I never said it was yours" I teased him laughing and he laughed shaking his head.

"This really is great news [Y/N]"

"I know"

We made our way out of the hospital and walked to get a cab to drive us home. We got in and I laid my head on Brad's shoulder. it felt perfect. This was meant to be.

"[Y/N]?" he said


"I haven't been completely honest with you" he started, a serious expression filling his face, "there's something I must confess to you"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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