Empire's plot

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An: Lets do this

Previous chapter

Y/n: What do you mean?

New Jersey: I mean, do you wanna go back to your world?

Y/n: Hm... nah I like it here

Unknown voice: Good then you will stay here

Großer Kurfürst: Y/n Watch out

Y/n spins around, hands push him down, next thing he noticed, New Jersey gets punched in the back of the head, hitting her uncurious

Y/n looks back at the girl who caused this

Y/n: Sakura Emp-

Unknown girl: Shh your coming with me~ My name is Taiho

She puts her hands over his eyes, and ties a blindfold around him, then keeps her hand over him mouth and nose

Taiho: Its a good thing you guys had a little skirmish back there, made my job a lot easier

she ties his legs and hands, Y/n tries to struggle, hoping to get lose and fight back but, the last fight made him to weak, he hasn't recovered yet

Y/n: MMH!

Taiho: I know you cant breath... dont worry I wont let you die, all that will happen is you'll come with me, so just drift asleep in my arms

She kisses Y/n on the forehead, as his body goes limp.

Passing out


Taihou POV

"Iv finally got him... This was more time consuming then it was supposed to be, Akagi might be mad but Iv got him... now to get him to the rendezvous point without getting caught... which will be much harder then it needs to be", "And what to do with her..."

Taihou pulls New Jersey into a old broken down shed, hoping she wont wake up for awhile she dashes away with Y/n, into the sea towards her set rendezvous point.

*Time Skip*

3rd Person POV

New Jersey wakes up in a startle

New Jersey: Huh?! What happened where am I, I was with Y/n before hand, where did he go?

Jumping onto her feet she runs outside, takes a scan of the area and cant find Y/n

New Jersey: Maybe Enterprise would know!

She hurries to find Enterprise,

Enterprise see's New Jersey running towards her

Enterprise: New Jersey? What's got you in a hurry?

New Jersey: *huff* I was with Y/n a bit ago, suddenly I went unconscious and woke up in a broken down wooden shed! Now I cant find Y/n, have you seen him?

Enterprise: No I haven't, iv been looking for him though... We need to talk to QE Asap

New Jersey: Do you think?

Enterprise: Yes I do, you guys don't have your riggings, so it would have been easy to take you both out and kidnap him

New Jersey: *gulp*

The two eagle union ships hustle toward the HQ in the Naval base

Belfast: Hello girls, what can I do for you?

Enterprise: Y/n... he's been kidnapped by the Sakura Empire

Belfast: What?!

Enterprise: Yeah, we need to speak to QE

*DISCONTINUED* Y/N and The Unknown (Azur lane X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now