50K Special!

2.3K 42 45

AN: Wow! 50k, I wasn't expecting this when I first started creating this book! I only thought I would get a thousand or so lol, thank you all so much!

Saturday, IronBlood Naval Base. 0900

Y/n: Ma'am Bismarck, you called me

Bismarck: Y/n! hmpf

Y/n: Sorry Bismarck heh, I'm just teasing you~

Bismarck: *Sigh* I love you too

Y/n: For real though, what would you like of me?

Bismarck: Pack your bags because starting Monday you are officially going to the International Naval Academy

Y/n: Your sending me, to school?!

Bismarck: Yes, While you are very very strong and grow stronger on the daily, you are also still new to this world, this way you will learn even more about here, you always wondered about to manjuu's haven't you?

Y/n: I guess that's true... even though I don't wanna admit it, she is right... weird little creature.  Well, where is the Academy located?

Bismarck: It is located in the Eagle union, on an Island. 

Y/n: *Sigh* Alright... Ill go get everything ready

Bismarck: Don't worry Y/n, it will be fun! He doesn't know I'm a teacher there yet


Monday, International Naval Academy Dorms, 0800

Y/n: *Ugh* Iv never had to get up this early, even for my high school back in the my world, guess Ill have a cold shower to wake up

Y/n grabs his towel, and his school clothes and heads to the bathroom, hanging his towel up and putting his clothes on the counter near the sink, then steps into the shower turning the cold water on


Quickly he spins around and turns the hot water dial up

The water starts to heat up, feeling the water run on Y/n's back, Y/n relaxes his shoulders


Y/n: Well, here we are... I haven't been to a school in a very long time... maybe this wont be so bad for me...

Y/n notices a few groups of ship girls from various nations, not trying to make a scene he keeps walking, looking slightly down at his feet.

Shipgirl: Hey look over there... isn't that Y/n? The Black Devil?

Y/n: Black Devil.. is that what they call me now?

AN: Yes I used Günther Lütjens Nickname (Nothing but respect to that man, No I'm not a Neo-Nazi)

Großer Kurfürst: Its a fitting nickname don't you think? Personally I like it

Y/n: Yeah, its not bad, but my own name is fine as well... Okay my first class is, Advanced Shooting. Are they underestimating me or am I really that bad?!

The first bell rings, the halls become flooded with girls

Y/n: How the fuck am I gonna get through this... its every man...for themselves! actually I am the only man... that doesn't make sense... its every ship for themselves!

Hustling around to find his class, he finally finds it

Y/n: Phew... that was close

Y/n opens the door and takes a step

*DISCONTINUED* Y/N and The Unknown (Azur lane X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now