Iron Blood Part 1

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3rd Person POV

Ironblood HQ

Hipper: Bismark! I have returned and I have news for you

BIsmark: Alright, come sit down and we can talk about it, also...where is Prinz?

Hipper: She's back on an Island, we found something, someone.....we saw them while we were on patrol.

Bismarck: Is that so? Where are they from?

Hipper: that's the thing, we think they are from Ironblood, but iv never seen him in my life before.

Bismarck: Did you just say he?....Thats impossible there's no males here...

Hipper: He had a big ship, he looked somewhat like Friedrich der grobe and you, but bigger with more powerful armaments...

Bismarck: I want you, Graf Zepplin, Graf Spee, Z23 to bring him back here at once.

Hipper: Yes Bismarck it will be done.

On the Island where Prinz and Y/n are

Prinz: He is so peaceful when he's sleeping

Prinz runs her hand threw his hair then notices his white eye.

Prinz: Interesting, is this a mechanical eye? Graf zepplin would know more about this- oh speaking of her there she is, with Hipper, Z23 and Spee


Prinz: Quiet down will you he's sleeping.

Hipper looks down at Y/n as he peacefully sleeps

Graf Zepplin: Its a male, an actual male, and he is pretty cute, His ship though, it's massive, and its guns, unbelievable, he's definitely stronger than Friedrich der grobe. I wonder what Bismarck will think of this.

Prinz: Well I'm guessing Bismarck wants him back for her to see him.

Prinz Lifts up Y/n Bridal style 

AN (Yes all your pride as a man has been lost, buttttttt you were asleep so you still have some of it left)

Graf Zepplin Summons her ship onto the water then Prinz gets onto the flight deck of the Ironblood carrier and sits him down back onto her lap

Z23: Uh, how are we going to bring his ship back...

Spee: We will somehow have to tow his ship back, even if we connect the ship to all of ours we won't be getting back fast.

The Ironblood girls all spawn their ships on the water and tow Y/n ship while Z23 stays on guard just in case

Graf Zepplin walks over to Prinz and Y/n and sits down beside him.

Graf Zepplin: You like him don't you? Normally you would be the easy type but you actually letting him sleep on your lap.

Prinz: Maybe I do fufu, He was teasing my heart and I just couldn't resist anymore.

Prinz tells Graf Zepplin about what she heard when Y/n was talking about his past.

Graf Zepplin: I see, he's had a hard past. I can see why you like him, you feel bad for him don't you.

Prinz: Yeah, I guess so, but he is pretty hot.....

Y/n Starts to wake up


Y/n: Where am I? what happened, oh yeah....that girl came up behind me...she must have knocked me out...HM? Why am I laying down, and whats this soft feeling on my head......its like a pillow, damn it's comfortable...

*DISCONTINUED* Y/N and The Unknown (Azur lane X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now